VGM Version 5.3.1
This is the complete list of members for RootGM::Factory, including all inherited members.
BestMatch() const | BaseVGM::VFactory | inlinevirtual |
CreateArb8(const std::string &name, double hz, std::vector< VGM::TwoVector > vertices) | RootGM::Factory | virtual |
CreateBox(const std::string &name, double hx, double hy, double hz) | RootGM::Factory | virtual |
CreateCons(const std::string &name, double rin1, double rout1, double rin2, double rout2, double hz, double sphi, double dphi) | RootGM::Factory | virtual |
CreateCtubs(const std::string &name, double rin, double rout, double hz, double sphi, double dphi, double nxlow, double nylow, double nzlow, double nxhigh, double nyhigh, double nzhigh) | RootGM::Factory | virtual |
CreateDisplacedSolid(const std::string &name, VGM::ISolid *solid, const VGM::Transform &transform) | RootGM::Factory | virtual |
CreateEllipsoid(const std::string &name, double dx, double dy, double dz, double zBottomCut, double zTopCut) | RootGM::Factory | virtual |
CreateEllipticalTube(const std::string &name, double dx, double dy, double hz) | RootGM::Factory | virtual |
CreateExtrudedSolid(const std::string &name, std::vector< VGM::TwoVector > polygon, std::vector< std::vector< double > > zsections) | RootGM::Factory | virtual |
CreateHype(const std::string &name, double r1, double r2, double stereo1, double stereo2, double hz) | RootGM::Factory | virtual |
CreateIntersectionSolid(const std::string &name, VGM::ISolid *solidA, VGM::ISolid *solidB, const VGM::Transform &transform) | RootGM::Factory | virtual |
CreateMultiplePlacement(const std::string &name, VGM::IVolume *volume, VGM::IVolume *motherVolume, VGM::Axis axis, int nofItems, double width, double offset, double halfGap) | RootGM::Factory | virtual |
CreateMultiUnion(const std::string &name, std::vector< VGM::ISolid * > constituents, std::vector< VGM::Transform > transforms) | RootGM::Factory | virtual |
CreatePara(const std::string &name, double dx, double dy, double dz, double alpha, double theta, double phi) | RootGM::Factory | virtual |
CreateParaboloid(const std::string &name, double r1, double r2, double hz) | RootGM::Factory | virtual |
CreateParameterisedPlacement(const std::string &name, VGM::IVolume *motherVolume, const std::vector< VGM::Transform > &transforms, const std::vector< VGM::IVolume * > &volumes) | RootGM::Factory | virtual |
CreatePlacement(const std::string &name, int copyNo, VGM::IVolume *volume, VGM::IVolume *motherVolume, const VGM::Transform &transform) | RootGM::Factory | virtual |
CreatePolycone(const std::string &name, double sphi, double dphi, int nofZplanes, double *z, double *rin, double *rout) | RootGM::Factory | virtual |
CreatePolyhedra(const std::string &name, double sphi, double dphi, int nofSides, int nofZplanes, double *z, double *rin, double *rout) | RootGM::Factory | virtual |
CreateScaledSolid(const std::string &name, VGM::ISolid *solid, const VGM::Transform &transform) | RootGM::Factory | virtual |
CreateSphere(const std::string &name, double rin, double rout, double sphi, double dphi, double stheta, double dtheta) | RootGM::Factory | virtual |
CreateSubtractionSolid(const std::string &name, VGM::ISolid *solidA, VGM::ISolid *solidB, const VGM::Transform &transform) | RootGM::Factory | virtual |
CreateTessellatedSolid(const std::string &name, std::vector< std::vector< VGM::ThreeVector > > facets) | RootGM::Factory | virtual |
CreateTorus(const std::string &name, double rin, double rout, double rax, double sphi, double dphi) | RootGM::Factory | virtual |
CreateTrap(const std::string &name, double hz, double theta, double phi, double dy1, double dx1, double dx2, double alpha1, double dy2, double dx3, double dx4, double alpha2) | RootGM::Factory | virtual |
CreateTrd(const std::string &name, double hx1, double hx2, double hy1, double hy2, double hz) | RootGM::Factory | virtual |
CreateTubs(const std::string &name, double rin, double rout, double hz, double sphi, double dphi) | RootGM::Factory | virtual |
CreateUnionSolid(const std::string &name, VGM::ISolid *solidA, VGM::ISolid *solidB, const VGM::Transform &transform) | RootGM::Factory | virtual |
CreateVolume(const std::string &name, VGM::ISolid *solid, const std::string &mediumName) | RootGM::Factory | virtual |
Debug() const | BaseVGM::VFactory | inlinevirtual |
DummyBoxDimensions() const | BaseVGM::VFactory | inlinevirtual |
Export(VGM::IFactory *factory) const | BaseVGM::VFactory | virtual |
Factory() | RootGM::Factory | |
Factory(const Factory &rhs) | RootGM::Factory | protected |
Ignore() const | BaseVGM::VFactory | inlinevirtual |
Import(TGeoNode *topNode) | RootGM::Factory | |
Import(TGeoShape *shape) | RootGM::Factory | |
MaterialFactory() const | BaseVGM::VFactory | inlinevirtual |
Name() const | BaseVGM::VFactory | inlinevirtual |
PrintSolids() const | BaseVGM::VFactory | virtual |
PrintVolumes() const | BaseVGM::VFactory | virtual |
SetBestMatch(bool value) | BaseVGM::VFactory | inlinevirtual |
SetDebug(int debug) | BaseVGM::VFactory | virtual |
SetDummyBoxDimensions(double value) | BaseVGM::VFactory | inlinevirtual |
SetIgnore(bool ignore, double dummyBoxDimensions=VGM::kDefaultDummyBoxDimensions) | BaseVGM::VFactory | virtual |
SetSingleMode(bool singleMode) | BaseVGM::VFactory | inlineprotectedvirtual |
SetSolid(VGM::ISolid *solid) | RootGM::Factory | protectedvirtual |
SingleMode() const | BaseVGM::VFactory | inlineprotectedvirtual |
SingleSolid() const | RootGM::Factory | virtual |
Solid() const | RootGM::Factory | |
Solids() const | BaseVGM::VFactory | inlinevirtual |
SolidStore() | BaseVGM::VFactory | inlineprotectedvirtual |
Top() const | RootGM::Factory | virtual |
VFactory(const std::string &name, VGM::IMaterialFactory *materialFactory) | BaseVGM::VFactory | |
VFactory() | BaseVGM::VFactory | protected |
VFactory(const VFactory &rhs) | BaseVGM::VFactory | protected |
Volumes() const | BaseVGM::VFactory | inlinevirtual |
VolumeStore() | BaseVGM::VFactory | inlineprotectedvirtual |
World() const | RootGM::Factory | |
~Factory() | RootGM::Factory | virtual |
~IFactory() | VGM::IFactory | inlinevirtual |
~VFactory() | BaseVGM::VFactory | virtual |