Enumerator |
kPPrimary | Primary interaction.
kPMultipleScattering | multiple scattering
kPCoulombScattering | single Coulomb scattering
kPEnergyLoss | continuous energy loss
kPMagneticFieldL | bending in mag. field
kPDecay | particle decay
kPPair | photon pair production or muon direct pair production
kPCompton | Compton scattering.
kPPhotoelectric | photoelectric effect
kPBrem | bremsstrahlung
kPDeltaRay | delta-ray production
kPAnnihilation | positron annihilation
kPAnnihilationRest | positron annihilation at rest
kPAnnihilationFlight | positron annihilation in flight
kPHadronic | hadronic interaction
kPEvaporation | nuclear evaporation
kPNuclearFission | nuclear fission
kPNuclearAbsorption | nuclear absorption
kPPbarAnnihilation | antiproton annihilation
kPNbarAnnihilation | antineutron annihilation
kPNCapture | neutron capture
kPHElastic | hadronic elastic scattering
kPHIElastic | hadronic elastic incoherent scattering
kPHCElastic | hadronic elastic coherent scattering
kPHInhelastic | hadronic inelastic scattering
kPPhotonInhelastic | photon inelastic scattering
kPMuonNuclear | muon nuclear interaction
kPElectronNuclear | electron nuclear interaction
kPPositronNuclear | positron nuclear interaction
kPPhotoNuclear | photo nuclear interaction
kPTOFlimit | exceeded time of flight cut
kPPhotoFission | nuclear photofission
kPRayleigh | Rayleigh scattering.
kPNull | no mechanism is active, usually at the entrance of a new volume
kPStop | particle has fallen below energy threshold and tracking stops
kPLightAbsorption | Cerenkov photon absorption.
kPLightDetection | Optical photon detection (absorption + photoelectron production)
kPLightScattering | Cerenkov photon reflection/refraction.
kPLightWLShifting | Optical photon wavelength shifting.
kStepMax | step limited by STEMAX
kPCerenkov | Cerenkov photon generation.
kPFeedBackPhoton | Feed back photon in RICH – ALICE specific.
kPLightReflection | Cerenkov photon reflection.
kPLightRefraction | Cerenkov photon refraction or dichroic mirror transmission.
kPSynchrotron | synchrotron radiation generation
kPScintillation | scintillation
kPTransitionRadiation | transition radiation
kPTransportation | Transportation.
kPUserDefined | User defined process.
kPNoProcess | unknown process