

The CMake build system will build and install VGM like a typical CMake’ed package.

First we will assume that the VGM source has been downloaded in a directory /my_path, so that the VGM directory packages sits in a subdirectory


We refer to /my_path/vgm directory as the source directory. The next step is to create a directory in which to configure and run the build and store the build products. This directory should not be the same as, or inside, the source directory. In this guide, we create this build directory alongside our source directory:

 cd /my_path
 mkdir vgm_build
 vgm vgm_build

To configure the build, change into the build directory and run CMake:

 cd /my_path/vgm_build
 cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/my_path/vgm_install /my_path/vgm

Here, the CMake Variable CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is used to set the install directory, the directory under which the VGM libraries and headers will be installed. It must be an absolute path. The second argument to CMake is the path to the source directory. In this example, we have used the absolute path to the source directory, but you can also use the relative path from your build directory to your source directory.

Configuration Options

Additional arguments may be passed to CMake to (in)activate optional components of VGM, or tune the build and install parameters. See vgm/CMakeList.txt for details of these options. If you run CMake and decide afterwards you want to activate additional options, simply rerun CMake passing it those options.

On executing this CMake command, it will run, configuring the build and generating Unix Makefiles to perform the actual build.

Overview of available options and their default values:

 WITH_GEANT4       "Build Geant4 dependent subpackage (Geant4GM)" ON
 WITH_ROOT         "Build Root dependent subpackage(RootGM)"      ON
 WITH_EXAMPLES     "Build examples"                               ON
 WITH_TEST         "Build test"                                   OFF
 WITH_G4ROOT       "Build test with G4Root"                       OFF
 INSTALL_EXAMPLES  "Install examples"                             ON


After the configuration has run, to run the build, simply execute make in the build directory:

 make -jN

where N is the number of parallel jobs you require (e.g. if your machine has a dual core processor, you could set N to 2).

The build will now run, and will output information on the progress of the build and current operations. If you need more output to help resolve issues or simply for information, run make as

 make -jN VERBOSE=1


Once the build has completed, you can install VGM to the directory you specified earlier in CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX by running

 make install

in the build directory. The libraries and headers are installed under your chosen install prefix in a standard Unix-style hierarchy of directories


When the WITH_TEST cmake option is activated, the vgm_test program is automatically built in the build directory, in /my_path/vgm_build/test and installed in /my_path/vgm_install/bin.

It can be run for example in this way:

vgm_test VGM Geant4 Root noXML Solids

See vgm_test for all available options.

All test configurations can be run via the script:


which internally runs three test suites:


The test output, stored in the log directory, can be then compared with the reference output in the log_ref directory.

Optionally, the test can be built with the G4Root package, see: when the WITH_G4ROOT cmake option is activated.

Note that even though also Geant4 VMC can be build with VGM, there is no circular dependence between these packages, as G4Root is lower level package which does not depend on the Geant4 VMC library.

To build both VGM with G4Root and Geant4 VMC with VGM, you can proceed in this way:

  1. install VGM without test
  2. install Geant4 VMC with VGM
  3. build and install VGM test against G4Root installed with Geant4 VMC

If you are not interested in using Geant4 VMC then you can proceed in this way:

  1. Download Geant4 VMC and install only G4Root
  2. Install VGM with test against G4Root installed

The CMake build for Virtual Geometry Model is a result of a merge of the CMake configuration files kindly provided by Florian Uhlig, GSI and Pere Mato, CERN.