Tar Files

Pro versions

Package Version Tar file Tested with
vmc 2.0 vmc-2-0.tar.gz ROOT 6.24/06 and 6.26/10
geant3 4.3 geant3-4-3.tar.gz vmc 2.0, ROOT 6.32/02
geant4_vmc 6.6.p1 geant4_vmc-6-6-p1.tar.gz vmc 2.0, ROOT 6.30/02, Geant4 11.2 (with embedded CLHEP, VGM 5.2, Garfield 4.0

In general, the VMC packages can be built with the Root version which they were tested with and higher, and Geant4 VMC with the Geant4 version which it was tested with including the patches. Note that the Geant4 patches released after the Geant4 VMC tag do not appear in the table above, it is however recommended to update Geant4 with each patch release.

Old versions

Package Version Tar file Tested with
geant3 3.9.p1 v3-9-p1.tar.gz vmc 1.1.p1, ROOT 6.24/06
geant4_vmc 6.4 v6-4.tar.gz vmc 2.0, ROOT 6.30/02, Geant4 11.1.p3 (with embedded CLHEP, VGM 5.2, Garfield 4.0
geant3 2.7.p2 v2-7-p2.tar.gz ROOT 5.34/36