21#include <TStopwatch.h>
23#include <G4UserEventAction.hh>
30class TVirtualMCApplication;
Definition of the TG4EventActionMessenger class.
Definition of the TG4Verbose class.
Messenger class that defines commands for TG4EventAction.
Actions at the beginning and the end of event.
G4bool fIsInterruptibleEvent
G4bool GetSaveRandomStatus() const
virtual void BeginOfEventAction(const G4Event *event)
G4bool fSaveRandomStatus
Control for saving random engine status for each event.
void SetIsInterruptibleEvent(G4bool isInterruptible)
TG4EventAction & operator=(const TG4EventAction &right)
Not implemented.
G4bool IsInterruptibleEvent() const
G4bool GetPrintMemory() const
TG4TrackingAction * fTrackingAction
Cached pointer to thread-local tracking action.
TVirtualMCApplication * fMCApplication
Cached pointer to thread-local VMC application.
G4bool fPrintMemory
Control for printing memory usage.
TG4EventActionMessenger fMessenger
void SetPrintMemory(G4bool printMemory)
TVirtualMCStack * fMCStack
Cached pointer to thread-local VMC stack.
TG4StateManager * fStateManager
Cached pointer to thread-local state manager.
void SetMCStack(TVirtualMCStack *mcStack)
void SetSaveRandomStatus(G4bool saveRandomStatus)
virtual void EndOfEventAction(const G4Event *event)
TG4TrackManager * fTrackManager
Cached pointer to thread-local track manager.
TG4EventAction(const TG4EventAction &right)
Not implemented.
virtual ~TG4EventAction()
The manager class for application state.
The class for storing G4 tracks in VMC sack.
Actions at the beginnig and at the end of track.
Base class for defining the verbose level and a common messenger.