Geant4 VMC Version 6.6
CG4EquationOfMotion | |
CG4MagneticField | |
CG4Monopole | |
CG4MonopoleEquation | |
CG4MonopoleFieldMessenger | |
CG4MonopoleFieldSetup | |
CG4MonopolePhysics | |
CG4MonopolePhysicsMessenger | |
►CG4MonopoleTransportation | |
CG4ParticleDefinition | |
CG4UIcommand | |
CG4UImessenger | |
CG4UserEventAction | |
CG4UserLimits | |
CG4UserRunAction | |
CG4UserStackingAction | |
CG4UserSteppingAction | |
CG4UserTrackingAction | |
CG4UserWorkerInitialization | |
CG4VBiasingOperation | |
CG4VBiasingOperator | |
CG4VExtDecayer | |
CG4VGFlashSensitiveDetector | |
CG4VModularPhysicsList | |
CG4VMscModel | |
CG4VPhysicsConstructor | |
CG4VProcess | |
CG4VSensitiveDetector | |
CG4VUserActionInitialization | |
CG4VUserDetectorConstruction | |
CG4VUserPhysicsList | |
CG4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction | |
CG4VUserTrackInformation | |
CTG4ActionInitialization | Action Initialization class (required for MT mode) |
CTG4BiasingManager | The biasing manager |
CTG4BiasingOperation | |
CTG4BiasingOperator | |
CTG4CachedMagneticField | The cached magnetic field defined by the TVirtualMCApplication field map |
CTG4ComposedPhysicsList | The Geant4 VMC physics list builder |
CTG4ComposedPhysicsMessenger | Messenger class that defines commands for Geant4 VMC composed physics list and related classes |
CTG4CrossSectionManager | The manager class for accessing hadronic cross sections |
CTG4CrossSectionMessenger | Messenger class that defines commands for TG4CrossSectionManager |
CTG4DetConstruction | Detector construction for building geometry using TVirtualMCApplication |
CTG4DetConstructionMessenger | Messenger class that defines commands for TG4DetConstruction |
CTG4EmModelPhysics | Physics builder which activates a selected EM energy loss and/or fluctuations model |
CTG4EmPhysicsList | The standard EM physics list |
CTG4EventAction | Actions at the beginning and the end of event |
CTG4EventActionMessenger | Messenger class that defines commands for TG4EventAction |
CTG4ExtDecayer | Implements the G4VExtDecayer abstract class with the TVirtualMCDecayer |
CTG4ExtDecayerMessenger | Messenger class that defines commands for the stack popper special process |
CTG4ExtDecayerPhysics | The builder for external decayer |
CTG4ExtraPhysicsList | The physics list with extra physics builders |
CTG4FastSimulationPhysics | Physics builder which activates selected fast simulation models |
CTG4Field | The class for constructing magnetic, electromagnetic and gravity fields which strength is defined via TVirtualMagField |
CTG4FieldParameters | The magnetic field parameters |
CTG4FieldParametersMessenger | Messenger class that defines commands for TG4DetConstruction |
CTG4G3ControlVector | Vector of control process values with convenient set/get methods |
CTG4G3CutVector | Vector of kinetic energy cut values with convenient set/get methods |
CTG4G3Defaults | Default G3 kinetic energy cuts and control process values |
CTG4G3PhysicsManager | Provides a Geant3 way control to Geant4 physics |
CTG4G3Units | G3 default units of physical quantities; |
CTG4GeometryManager | The manager class for building Geant4 geometry depending on a selected user input |
CTG4GeometryServices | Services for accessing to Geant4 geometry |
CTG4GeoTrackManager | The manager class for collecting TGeo tracks for visualization |
CTG4GflashFastSimulation | Special class for definition of Gflash fast simulation model |
CTG4GflashFastSimulationMessenger | Messenger class that defines commands for the Gflash fast simulation model |
CTG4GflashSensitiveDetector | Sensitive detector with Gflash |
CTG4Globals | Basic types and functions of general use |
CTG4HadronPhysicsList | The hadron physics list helper class |
CTG4IntMap | The map container for integer numbers associated with names |
CTG4Limits | Extended G4UserLimits class |
CTG4MagneticField | The magnetic field defined via TVirtualMagField |
CTG4MCGeometry | Geant4 implementation of the TVirtualMCGeometry interface |
CTG4Medium | Helper class to keep medium data |
CTG4MediumMap | The map of media to logical volumes |
CTG4ModelConfiguration | A helper class to hold a configuration of a special physics model |
CTG4ModelConfigurationManager | The model configuration vector with suitable setters and a messenger |
CTG4ModelConfigurationMessenger | Messenger class that defines commands for the special physica models |
CTG4NameMap | The map container for associated names |
CTG4OpGeometryManager | Geant4 implementation of the TVirtualMC interface methods for definition of material properties for optical processes |
CTG4ParticlesChecker | A helper class for comparing the basic particles properties in between Root and Geant4 |
CTG4ParticlesCheckerMessenger | Messenger class that defines commands for TG4ParticlesChecker |
CTG4ParticlesManager | Provides mapping between TDatabasePDG and Geant4 particles |
CTG4PhysicsManager | Geant4 implementation of the TVirtualMC interface methods for building Geant4 physics and access to it |
CTG4PrimaryGeneratorAction | Primary generator action defined via TVirtualMCStack and TVirtualMCApplication |
CTG4PrimaryGeneratorMessenger | Messenger class that defines commands for TG4PrimaryGeneratorAction |
CTG4ProcessMap | Maps G4 process sub types to TMCProcess and TG4G3Control codes |
CTG4ProcessMapPhysics | The special builder which fills the VMC process map |
CTG4RadiatorDescription | The radiator description |
CTG4RegionsManager | Manager class for converting VMC cuts in energy in G4 regions |
CTG4RegionsManager2 | Manager class for setting VMC cuts in energy in G4 regions |
CTG4RegionsMessenger | Messenger class that defines commands for TG4RegionsManager[2] |
CTG4RunAction | Actions at the beginning and the end of run |
CTG4RunActionMessenger | Messenger class that defines commands for TG4RunAction |
CTG4RunConfiguration | Takes care of creating Geant4 user action classes using VMC |
CTG4RunManager | Geant4 implementation of the TVirtualMC interface methods for access to Geant4 at run level |
CTG4RunMessenger | Messenger class that defines commands for TG4RunManager |
CTG4SDConstruction | Sensitive detector construction |
CTG4SDManager | Geant4 implementation of the TVirtualMC interface methods for access to Geant4 geometry related with sensitive detectors |
CTG4SDMessenger | Messenger class that defines commands for the SD construction |
CTG4SDServices | Sensitive detectors services |
CTG4SensitiveDetector | Sensitive detector class for calling a user defined stepping function |
CTG4SpecialControlsV2 | The manager class for G3 process controls |
CTG4SpecialCutsForChargedHadron | Special process that activates kinetic energy cuts for charged hadrons |
CTG4SpecialCutsForElectron | Special process that activates kinetic energy cuts for e- |
CTG4SpecialCutsForGamma | Special process that activates kinetic energy cuts for gamma |
CTG4SpecialCutsForMuon | Special process that activates kinetic energy cuts for muon |
CTG4SpecialCutsForNeutralHadron | Special process that activates kinetic energy cuts for neutral hadrons |
CTG4SpecialCutsForNeutron | Special process that activates kinetic energy cuts for neutrons, |
CTG4SpecialCutsPhysics | The builder for special cuts process |
CTG4SpecialPhysicsList | The Geant4 VMC special physics list helper class |
CTG4SpecialStackingAction | Defines a special stacking mechanism |
CTG4SpecialStackingActionMessenger | Messenger class that defines commands for TG4StackingAction |
CTG4SpecialUrbanMscModel | Laszlo Urban model adapted for ALICE EMCAL requirements |
CTG4StackPopper | The process which pops particles defined by user from the VMC stack and passes them to tracking |
CTG4StackPopperMessenger | Messenger class that defines commands for the stack popper special process |
CTG4StackPopperPhysics | The builder for stack popper process |
CTG4StateManager | The manager class for application state |
CTG4StepLimiterPhysics | The builder for step limiter process |
CTG4StepManager | Geant4 implementation of the TVirtualMC interface methods for access to Geant4 at step level |
CTG4SteppingAction | Actions at each step |
CTG4SteppingActionMessenger | Messenger class that defines commands for TG4SteppingAction |
CTG4TrackInformation | Defines additional track information |
CTG4TrackingAction | Actions at the beginnig and at the end of track |
CTG4TrackingActionMessenger | Messenger class that defines commands for TG4TrackingAction |
CTG4TrackManager | The class for storing G4 tracks in VMC sack |
CTG4TransitionRadiationPhysics | The builder for transition radiation processes |
CTG4UICmdWithAComplexString | G4 command that takes up to three string values |
CTG4UserIon | The class for user ion definition |
CTG4UserParticle | The class for user particle definition |
CTG4UserParticlesPhysics | The builder for user defined particles |
CTG4Verbose | Base class for defining the verbose level and a common messenger |
CTG4VerboseMessenger | Messenger class that defines commands for the verbose classes |
CTG4VGMMessenger | Messenger class that defines commands for VGM XML Exporter |
CTG4VisManager | Visualization manager class |
CTG4VPhysicsConstructor | Abstract base class for physics constructors with verbose |
CTG4VRegionsManager | Base class for mangers for converting VMC cuts in energy in G4 regions |
CTG4VSpecialCuts | Abstract base class for a special process that activates kinetic energy cuts |
CTG4VUserFastSimulation | The abstract base class which is used to build fast simulation models |
CTG4VUserPostDetConstruction | The abstract base class for user defined class to customize geometry |
CTG4VUserRegionConstruction | The abstract base class for user defined regions |
CTG4WorkerInitialization | Actions at start and end of run on a worker (call in MT mode only) |
CTGeant4 | Implementation of the TVirtualMC interface for Geant4 |
CTVirtualMC | |
CTVirtualMCGeometry |