Geant4 VMC Version 6.6
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CTG4ActionInitializationAction Initialization class (required for MT mode)
 CTG4BiasingManagerThe biasing manager
 CTG4CachedMagneticFieldThe cached magnetic field defined by the TVirtualMCApplication field map
 CTG4ComposedPhysicsListThe Geant4 VMC physics list builder
 CTG4ComposedPhysicsMessengerMessenger class that defines commands for Geant4 VMC composed physics list and related classes
 CTG4CrossSectionManagerThe manager class for accessing hadronic cross sections
 CTG4CrossSectionMessengerMessenger class that defines commands for TG4CrossSectionManager
 CTG4DetConstructionDetector construction for building geometry using TVirtualMCApplication
 CTG4DetConstructionMessengerMessenger class that defines commands for TG4DetConstruction
 CTG4EmModelPhysicsPhysics builder which activates a selected EM energy loss and/or fluctuations model
 CTG4EmPhysicsListThe standard EM physics list
 CTG4EventActionActions at the beginning and the end of event
 CTG4EventActionMessengerMessenger class that defines commands for TG4EventAction
 CTG4ExtDecayerImplements the G4VExtDecayer abstract class with the TVirtualMCDecayer
 CTG4ExtDecayerMessengerMessenger class that defines commands for the stack popper special process
 CTG4ExtDecayerPhysicsThe builder for external decayer
 CTG4ExtraPhysicsListThe physics list with extra physics builders
 CTG4FastSimulationPhysicsPhysics builder which activates selected fast simulation models
 CTG4FieldThe class for constructing magnetic, electromagnetic and gravity fields which strength is defined via TVirtualMagField
 CTG4FieldParametersThe magnetic field parameters
 CTG4FieldParametersMessengerMessenger class that defines commands for TG4DetConstruction
 CTG4G3ControlVectorVector of control process values with convenient set/get methods
 CTG4G3CutVectorVector of kinetic energy cut values with convenient set/get methods
 CTG4G3DefaultsDefault G3 kinetic energy cuts and control process values
 CTG4G3PhysicsManagerProvides a Geant3 way control to Geant4 physics
 CTG4G3UnitsG3 default units of physical quantities;
 CTG4GeometryManagerThe manager class for building Geant4 geometry depending on a selected user input
 CTG4GeometryServicesServices for accessing to Geant4 geometry
 CTG4GeoTrackManagerThe manager class for collecting TGeo tracks for visualization
 CTG4GflashFastSimulationSpecial class for definition of Gflash fast simulation model
 CTG4GflashFastSimulationMessengerMessenger class that defines commands for the Gflash fast simulation model
 CTG4GflashSensitiveDetectorSensitive detector with Gflash
 CTG4GlobalsBasic types and functions of general use
 CTG4HadronPhysicsListThe hadron physics list helper class
 CTG4IntMapThe map container for integer numbers associated with names
 CTG4LimitsExtended G4UserLimits class
 CTG4MagneticFieldThe magnetic field defined via TVirtualMagField
 CTG4MCGeometryGeant4 implementation of the TVirtualMCGeometry interface
 CTG4MediumHelper class to keep medium data
 CTG4MediumMapThe map of media to logical volumes
 CTG4ModelConfigurationA helper class to hold a configuration of a special physics model
 CTG4ModelConfigurationManagerThe model configuration vector with suitable setters and a messenger
 CTG4ModelConfigurationMessengerMessenger class that defines commands for the special physica models
 CTG4NameMapThe map container for associated names
 CTG4OpGeometryManagerGeant4 implementation of the TVirtualMC interface methods for definition of material properties for optical processes
 CTG4ParticlesCheckerA helper class for comparing the basic particles properties in between Root and Geant4
 CTG4ParticlesCheckerMessengerMessenger class that defines commands for TG4ParticlesChecker
 CTG4ParticlesManagerProvides mapping between TDatabasePDG and Geant4 particles
 CTG4PhysicsManagerGeant4 implementation of the TVirtualMC interface methods for building Geant4 physics and access to it
 CTG4PrimaryGeneratorActionPrimary generator action defined via TVirtualMCStack and TVirtualMCApplication
 CTG4PrimaryGeneratorMessengerMessenger class that defines commands for TG4PrimaryGeneratorAction
 CTG4ProcessMapMaps G4 process sub types to TMCProcess and TG4G3Control codes
 CTG4ProcessMapPhysicsThe special builder which fills the VMC process map
 CTG4RadiatorDescriptionThe radiator description
 CTG4RegionsManagerManager class for converting VMC cuts in energy in G4 regions
 CTG4RegionsManager2Manager class for setting VMC cuts in energy in G4 regions
 CTG4RegionsMessengerMessenger class that defines commands for TG4RegionsManager[2]
 CTG4RunActionActions at the beginning and the end of run
 CTG4RunActionMessengerMessenger class that defines commands for TG4RunAction
 CTG4RunConfigurationTakes care of creating Geant4 user action classes using VMC
 CTG4RunManagerGeant4 implementation of the TVirtualMC interface methods for access to Geant4 at run level
 CTG4RunMessengerMessenger class that defines commands for TG4RunManager
 CTG4SDConstructionSensitive detector construction
 CTG4SDManagerGeant4 implementation of the TVirtualMC interface methods for access to Geant4 geometry related with sensitive detectors
 CTG4SDMessengerMessenger class that defines commands for the SD construction
 CTG4SDServicesSensitive detectors services
 CTG4SensitiveDetectorSensitive detector class for calling a user defined stepping function
 CTG4SpecialControlsV2The manager class for G3 process controls
 CTG4SpecialCutsForChargedHadronSpecial process that activates kinetic energy cuts for charged hadrons
 CTG4SpecialCutsForElectronSpecial process that activates kinetic energy cuts for e-
 CTG4SpecialCutsForGammaSpecial process that activates kinetic energy cuts for gamma
 CTG4SpecialCutsForMuonSpecial process that activates kinetic energy cuts for muon
 CTG4SpecialCutsForNeutralHadronSpecial process that activates kinetic energy cuts for neutral hadrons
 CTG4SpecialCutsForNeutronSpecial process that activates kinetic energy cuts for neutrons,
 CTG4SpecialCutsPhysicsThe builder for special cuts process
 CTG4SpecialPhysicsListThe Geant4 VMC special physics list helper class
 CTG4SpecialStackingActionDefines a special stacking mechanism
 CTG4SpecialStackingActionMessengerMessenger class that defines commands for TG4StackingAction
 CTG4SpecialUrbanMscModelLaszlo Urban model adapted for ALICE EMCAL requirements
 CTG4StackPopperThe process which pops particles defined by user from the VMC stack and passes them to tracking
 CTG4StackPopperMessengerMessenger class that defines commands for the stack popper special process
 CTG4StackPopperPhysicsThe builder for stack popper process
 CTG4StateManagerThe manager class for application state
 CTG4StepLimiterPhysicsThe builder for step limiter process
 CTG4StepManagerGeant4 implementation of the TVirtualMC interface methods for access to Geant4 at step level
 CTG4SteppingActionActions at each step
 CTG4SteppingActionMessengerMessenger class that defines commands for TG4SteppingAction
 CTG4TrackInformationDefines additional track information
 CTG4TrackingActionActions at the beginnig and at the end of track
 CTG4TrackingActionMessengerMessenger class that defines commands for TG4TrackingAction
 CTG4TrackManagerThe class for storing G4 tracks in VMC sack
 CTG4TransitionRadiationPhysicsThe builder for transition radiation processes
 CTG4UICmdWithAComplexStringG4 command that takes up to three string values
 CTG4UserIonThe class for user ion definition
 CTG4UserParticleThe class for user particle definition
 CTG4UserParticlesPhysicsThe builder for user defined particles
 CTG4VerboseBase class for defining the verbose level and a common messenger
 CTG4VerboseMessengerMessenger class that defines commands for the verbose classes
 CTG4VGMMessengerMessenger class that defines commands for VGM XML Exporter
 CTG4VisManagerVisualization manager class
 CTG4VPhysicsConstructorAbstract base class for physics constructors with verbose
 CTG4VRegionsManagerBase class for mangers for converting VMC cuts in energy in G4 regions
 CTG4VSpecialCutsAbstract base class for a special process that activates kinetic energy cuts
 CTG4VUserFastSimulationThe abstract base class which is used to build fast simulation models
 CTG4VUserPostDetConstructionThe abstract base class for user defined class to customize geometry
 CTG4VUserRegionConstructionThe abstract base class for user defined regions
 CTG4WorkerInitializationActions at start and end of run on a worker (call in MT mode only)
 CTGeant4Implementation of the TVirtualMC interface for Geant4