64 void AddParticle(Int_t pdg,
const TString& name, TMCParticleType mcType,
65 Double_t mass, Double_t charge, Double_t lifetime,
const TString& pType,
66 Double_t width, Int_t iSpin, Int_t iParity, Int_t iConjugation,
67 Int_t iIsospin, Int_t iIsospinZ, Int_t gParity, Int_t lepton, Int_t baryon,
68 Bool_t stable, Bool_t shortlived = kFALSE,
const TString& subType =
69 Int_t antiEncoding = 0, Double_t magMoment = 0.0,
70 Double_t excitation = 0.0);
72 const G4String& name, G4int Z, G4int A, G4int Q, G4double excEnergy);
74 Bool_t
SetDecayMode(Int_t pdg, Float_t bratio[6], Int_t mode[6][3]);
80 TParticle*
const TClonesArray* particles, G4int index)
82 const TParticle* particle, G4bool warn =
Definition of the TG4ParticlesChecker class.
A helper class for comparing the basic particles properties in between Root and Geant4.
Provides mapping between TDatabasePDG and Geant4 particles.
TG4UserParticle * GetUserParticle(G4int index) const
virtual ~TG4ParticlesManager()
void AddIon(const G4String &name, G4int Z, G4int A, G4int Q, G4double excEnergy)
UserIonMap fUserIonMap
user defined ions mappped by their names
G4DynamicParticle * CreateDynamicParticle(const TParticle *particle) const
G4ThreeVector GetParticlePolarization(const TParticle *particle) const
TG4ParticlesChecker fParticlesChecker
particles checker
UserParticleVector fUserParticles
vector of user defined particles
G4ParticleDefinition * GetParticleDefinition(const TParticle *particle, G4bool warn=true) const
std::vector< TG4UserParticle * > UserParticleVector
The vector of user particles.
Bool_t SetDecayMode(Int_t pdg, Float_t bratio[6], Int_t mode[6][3])
G4ThreeVector GetParticlePosition(const TParticle *particle) const
G4int GetPDGEncoding(G4ParticleDefinition *particle)
TG4NameMap fParticleNameMap
the mapping between G4 particle names and TDatabasePDG names for special particles
TG4ParticlesManager(const TG4ParticlesManager &right)
Not implemented.
TG4UserIon * GetUserIon(const G4String &ionName, G4bool warn=true) const
TParticle * GetParticle(const TClonesArray *particles, G4int index) const
void AddParticle(Int_t pdg, const TString &name, TMCParticleType mcType, Double_t mass, Double_t charge, Double_t lifetime, const TString &pType, Double_t width, Int_t iSpin, Int_t iParity, Int_t iConjugation, Int_t iIsospin, Int_t iIsospinZ, Int_t gParity, Int_t lepton, Int_t baryon, Bool_t stable, Bool_t shortlived=kFALSE, const TString &subType="", Int_t antiEncoding=0, Double_t magMoment=0.0, Double_t excitation=0.0)
void SetUserDecay(Int_t pdg)
G4ThreeVector GetParticleMomentum(const TParticle *particle) const
static TG4ParticlesManager * fgInstance
this instance
TG4ParticlesManager & operator=(const TG4ParticlesManager &right)
Not implemented.
G4int GetNofUserParticles() const
static TG4ParticlesManager * Instance()
std::map< G4String, TG4UserIon * > UserIonMap
The map of user ions by their names.
void AddParticleToPdgDatabase(const G4String &name, G4ParticleDefinition *particleDefinition)
The class for user particle definition.