21#include <G4UserSteppingAction.hh>
30class TVirtualMCApplication;
Definition of the TG4GeoTrackManager class.
Definition of the TG4SteppingActionMessenger class.
The manager class for collecting TGeo tracks for visualization.
The manager class for G3 process controls.
The process which pops particles defined by user from the VMC stack and passes them to tracking.
Geant4 implementation of the TVirtualMC interface methods for access to Geant4 at step level.
Messenger class that defines commands for TG4SteppingAction.
TG4SteppingActionMessenger fMessenger
void ProcessTrackIfOutOfRegion(const G4Step *step)
static G4ThreadLocal TG4SteppingAction * fgInstance
this instance
TG4SteppingAction(const TG4SteppingAction &right)
Not implemented.
G4int fStandardVerboseLevel
standard tracking verbose level
TG4SpecialControlsV2 * fSpecialControls
the special controls manager
TG4SteppingAction & operator=(const TG4SteppingAction &right)
Not implemented.
void ProcessTrackIfBelowCut(const G4Step *step)
G4bool fIsPairCut
control of cut on e+e- pair
void SetIsPairCut(G4bool isPairCut)
G4int fLoopStepCounter
counter of step in looping
void SetMaxNofSteps(G4int number)
virtual void UserSteppingAction(const G4Step *step)
TG4StepManager * fStepManager
Cached pointer to thread-local step manager.
G4int GetLoopVerboseLevel() const
void SetCollectTracks(G4bool collectTracks)
virtual void SteppingAction(const G4Step *step)
void PrintTrackInfo(const G4Track *track) const
G4int fMaxNofSteps
max number of allowed steps
virtual ~TG4SteppingAction()
void SetLoopVerboseLevel(G4int level)
void ProcessTrackIfLooping(const G4Step *step)
void ProcessTrackIfGeneralProcess(const G4Step *step)
TG4StackPopper * fStackPopper
Cached pointer to thread-local stack popper.
G4bool GetCollectTracks() const
TG4GeoTrackManager fGeoTrackManager
manager for collecting TGeo tracks
static TG4SteppingAction * Instance()
G4bool fCollectTracks
control to collect Root tracks
G4int GetMaxNofSteps() const
void SetSpecialControls(TG4SpecialControlsV2 *specialControls)
TVirtualMCApplication * fMCApplication
Cached pointer to thread-local VMC application.
void ProcessTrackOnBoundary(const G4Step *step)
G4bool GetIsPairCut() const
G4int fLoopVerboseLevel
tracking verbose level for looping particles
TG4TrackManager * fTrackManager
Cached pointer to thread-local track manager.
The class for storing G4 tracks in VMC sack.