VMC Version 2.0
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TVirtualMC Class Referenceabstract

Abstract Monte Carlo interface. More...

#include <TVirtualMC.h>

Inheritance diagram for TVirtualMC:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 TVirtualMC (const char *name, const char *title, Bool_t isRootGeometrySupported=kFALSE)
 Standard constructor.
 TVirtualMC ()
 Default constructor.
virtual ~TVirtualMC ()
virtual Bool_t IsRootGeometrySupported () const =0
 Info about supporting geometry defined via Root.
virtual void Material (Int_t &kmat, const char *name, Double_t a, Double_t z, Double_t dens, Double_t radl, Double_t absl, Float_t *buf, Int_t nwbuf)=0
 Define a material.
virtual void Material (Int_t &kmat, const char *name, Double_t a, Double_t z, Double_t dens, Double_t radl, Double_t absl, Double_t *buf, Int_t nwbuf)=0
 The same as previous but in double precision.
virtual void Mixture (Int_t &kmat, const char *name, Float_t *a, Float_t *z, Double_t dens, Int_t nlmat, Float_t *wmat)=0
 Define a mixture or a compound with a number kmat composed by the basic nlmat materials defined by arrays a, z and wmat.
virtual void Mixture (Int_t &kmat, const char *name, Double_t *a, Double_t *z, Double_t dens, Int_t nlmat, Double_t *wmat)=0
 The same as previous but in double precision.
virtual void Medium (Int_t &kmed, const char *name, Int_t nmat, Int_t isvol, Int_t ifield, Double_t fieldm, Double_t tmaxfd, Double_t stemax, Double_t deemax, Double_t epsil, Double_t stmin, Float_t *ubuf, Int_t nbuf)=0
 Define a medium.
virtual void Medium (Int_t &kmed, const char *name, Int_t nmat, Int_t isvol, Int_t ifield, Double_t fieldm, Double_t tmaxfd, Double_t stemax, Double_t deemax, Double_t epsil, Double_t stmin, Double_t *ubuf, Int_t nbuf)=0
 The same as previous but in double precision.
virtual void Matrix (Int_t &krot, Double_t thetaX, Double_t phiX, Double_t thetaY, Double_t phiY, Double_t thetaZ, Double_t phiZ)=0
 Define a rotation matrix.
virtual void Gstpar (Int_t itmed, const char *param, Double_t parval)=0
 Change the value of cut or mechanism param to a new value parval for tracking medium itmed.
virtual Int_t Gsvolu (const char *name, const char *shape, Int_t nmed, Float_t *upar, Int_t np)=0
 Create a new volume.
virtual Int_t Gsvolu (const char *name, const char *shape, Int_t nmed, Double_t *upar, Int_t np)=0
 The same as previous but in double precision.
virtual void Gsdvn (const char *name, const char *mother, Int_t ndiv, Int_t iaxis)=0
 Create a new volume by dividing an existing one.
virtual void Gsdvn2 (const char *name, const char *mother, Int_t ndiv, Int_t iaxis, Double_t c0i, Int_t numed)=0
 Create a new volume by dividing an existing one.
virtual void Gsdvt (const char *name, const char *mother, Double_t step, Int_t iaxis, Int_t numed, Int_t ndvmx)=0
 Create a new volume by dividing an existing one Divide mother into divisions called name along axis iaxis in steps of step.
virtual void Gsdvt2 (const char *name, const char *mother, Double_t step, Int_t iaxis, Double_t c0, Int_t numed, Int_t ndvmx)=0
 Create a new volume by dividing an existing one Divides mother into divisions called name along axis iaxis starting at coordinate value c0 with step size step.
virtual void Gsord (const char *name, Int_t iax)=0
 Flag volume name whose contents will have to be ordered along axis iax, by setting the search flag to -iax (Geant3 only)
virtual void Gspos (const char *name, Int_t nr, const char *mother, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Int_t irot, const char *konly="ONLY")=0
 Position a volume into an existing one.
virtual void Gsposp (const char *name, Int_t nr, const char *mother, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Int_t irot, const char *konly, Float_t *upar, Int_t np)=0
 Place a copy of generic volume name with user number nr inside mother, with its parameters upar(1..np)
virtual void Gsposp (const char *name, Int_t nr, const char *mother, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Int_t irot, const char *konly, Double_t *upar, Int_t np)=0
 The same as previous but in double precision.
virtual void Gsbool (const char *onlyVolName, const char *manyVolName)=0
 Helper function for resolving MANY.
virtual void SetCerenkov (Int_t itmed, Int_t npckov, Float_t *ppckov, Float_t *absco, Float_t *effic, Float_t *rindex, Bool_t aspline=false, Bool_t rspline=false)=0
 Define the tables for UV photon tracking in medium itmed.
virtual void SetCerenkov (Int_t itmed, Int_t npckov, Double_t *ppckov, Double_t *absco, Double_t *effic, Double_t *rindex, Bool_t aspline=false, Bool_t rspline=false)=0
 The same as previous but in double precision.
virtual void DefineOpSurface (const char *name, EMCOpSurfaceModel model, EMCOpSurfaceType surfaceType, EMCOpSurfaceFinish surfaceFinish, Double_t sigmaAlpha)=0
 Define the optical surface.
virtual void SetBorderSurface (const char *name, const char *vol1Name, int vol1CopyNo, const char *vol2Name, int vol2CopyNo, const char *opSurfaceName)=0
 Define the optical surface border.
virtual void SetSkinSurface (const char *name, const char *volName, const char *opSurfaceName)=0
 Define the optical skin surface.
virtual void SetMaterialProperty (Int_t itmed, const char *propertyName, Int_t np, Double_t *pp, Double_t *values, Bool_t createNewKey=false, Bool_t spline=false)=0
 Define material property via a table of values.
virtual void SetMaterialProperty (Int_t itmed, const char *propertyName, Double_t value)=0
 Define material property via a value.
virtual void SetMaterialProperty (const char *surfaceName, const char *propertyName, Int_t np, Double_t *pp, Double_t *values, Bool_t createNewKey=false, Bool_t spline=false)=0
 Define optical surface property via a table of values.
virtual Bool_t GetTransformation (const TString &volumePath, TGeoHMatrix &matrix)=0
 Return the transformation matrix between the volume specified by the path volumePath and the top or master volume.
virtual Bool_t GetShape (const TString &volumePath, TString &shapeType, TArrayD &par)=0
 Return the name of the shape (shapeType) and its parameters par for the volume specified by the path volumePath .
virtual Bool_t GetMaterial (Int_t imat, TString &name, Double_t &a, Double_t &z, Double_t &density, Double_t &radl, Double_t &inter, TArrayD &par)=0
 Return the material parameters for the material specified by the material Id.
virtual Bool_t GetMaterial (const TString &volumeName, TString &name, Int_t &imat, Double_t &a, Double_t &z, Double_t &density, Double_t &radl, Double_t &inter, TArrayD &par)=0
 Return the material parameters for the volume specified by the volumeName.
virtual Bool_t GetMedium (const TString &volumeName, TString &name, Int_t &imed, Int_t &nmat, Int_t &isvol, Int_t &ifield, Double_t &fieldm, Double_t &tmaxfd, Double_t &stemax, Double_t &deemax, Double_t &epsil, Double_t &stmin, TArrayD &par)=0
 Return the medium parameters for the volume specified by the volumeName.
virtual void WriteEuclid (const char *filnam, const char *topvol, Int_t number, Int_t nlevel)=0
 Write out the geometry of the detector in EUCLID file format.
virtual void SetRootGeometry ()=0
 Set geometry from Root (built via TGeo)
virtual void SetUserParameters (Bool_t isUserParameters)=0
 Activate the parameters defined in tracking media (DEEMAX, STMIN, STEMAX), which are, be default, ignored.
virtual Int_t VolId (const char *volName) const =0
 Return the unique numeric identifier for volume name volName.
virtual const char * VolName (Int_t id) const =0
 Return the volume name for a given volume identifier id.
virtual Int_t MediumId (const char *mediumName) const =0
 Return the unique numeric identifier for medium name mediumName.
virtual Int_t NofVolumes () const =0
 Return total number of volumes in the geometry.
virtual Int_t VolId2Mate (Int_t id) const =0
 Return material number for a given volume id.
virtual Int_t NofVolDaughters (const char *volName) const =0
 Return number of daughters of the volume specified by volName.
virtual const char * VolDaughterName (const char *volName, Int_t i) const =0
 Return the name of i-th daughter of the volume specified by volName.
virtual Int_t VolDaughterCopyNo (const char *volName, Int_t i) const =0
 Return the copyNo of i-th daughter of the volume specified by volName.
virtual void SetSensitiveDetector (const TString &volName, TVirtualMCSensitiveDetector *sd)=0
 Set a sensitive detector to a volume.
virtual TVirtualMCSensitiveDetectorGetSensitiveDetector (const TString &volName) const =0
 Get a sensitive detector of a volume.
virtual void SetExclusiveSDScoring (Bool_t exclusiveSDScoring)=0
 The scoring option: if true, scoring is performed only via user defined sensitive detectors and MCApplication::Stepping is not called.
virtual Bool_t SetCut (const char *cutName, Double_t cutValue)=0
 Set transport cuts for particles.
virtual Bool_t SetProcess (const char *flagName, Int_t flagValue)=0
 Set process control.
virtual Bool_t DefineParticle (Int_t pdg, const char *name, TMCParticleType mcType, Double_t mass, Double_t charge, Double_t lifetime)=0
 Set a user defined particle Function is ignored if particle with specified pdg already exists and error report is printed.
virtual Bool_t DefineParticle (Int_t pdg, const char *name, TMCParticleType mcType, Double_t mass, Double_t charge, Double_t lifetime, const TString &pType, Double_t width, Int_t iSpin, Int_t iParity, Int_t iConjugation, Int_t iIsospin, Int_t iIsospinZ, Int_t gParity, Int_t lepton, Int_t baryon, Bool_t stable, Bool_t shortlived=kFALSE, const TString &subType="", Int_t antiEncoding=0, Double_t magMoment=0.0, Double_t excitation=0.0)=0
 Set a user defined particle Function is ignored if particle with specified pdg already exists and error report is printed.
virtual Bool_t DefineIon (const char *name, Int_t Z, Int_t A, Int_t Q, Double_t excEnergy, Double_t mass=0.)=0
 Set a user defined ion.
virtual Bool_t SetDecayMode (Int_t pdg, Float_t bratio[6], Int_t mode[6][3])=0
 Set a user phase space decay for a particle.
virtual Double_t Xsec (char *, Double_t, Int_t, Int_t)=0
 Calculate X-sections (Geant3 only) Deprecated.
virtual Int_t IdFromPDG (Int_t pdg) const =0
 Return MC specific code from a PDG and pseudo ENDF code (pdg)
virtual Int_t PDGFromId (Int_t id) const =0
 Return PDG code and pseudo ENDF code from MC specific code (id)
virtual TString ParticleName (Int_t pdg) const =0
 Return name of the particle specified by pdg.
virtual Double_t ParticleMass (Int_t pdg) const =0
 Return mass of the particle specified by pdg.
virtual Double_t ParticleCharge (Int_t pdg) const =0
 Return charge (in e units) of the particle specified by pdg.
virtual Double_t ParticleLifeTime (Int_t pdg) const =0
 Return life time of the particle specified by pdg.
virtual TMCParticleType ParticleMCType (Int_t pdg) const =0
 Return VMC type of the particle specified by pdg.
virtual void StopTrack ()=0
 Stop the transport of the current particle and skip to the next.
virtual void StopEvent ()=0
 Stop simulation of the current event and skip to the next.
virtual void StopRun ()=0
 Stop simulation of the current event and set the abort run flag to true.
virtual void SetMaxStep (Double_t)=0
 Set the maximum step allowed till the particle is in the current medium.
virtual void SetMaxNStep (Int_t)=0
 Set the maximum number of steps till the particle is in the current medium.
virtual void SetUserDecay (Int_t pdg)=0
 Force the decays of particles to be done with Pythia and not with the Geant routines.
virtual void ForceDecayTime (Float_t)=0
 Force the decay time of the current particle.
virtual Int_t CurrentVolID (Int_t &copyNo) const =0
 Return the current volume ID and copy number.
virtual Int_t CurrentVolOffID (Int_t off, Int_t &copyNo) const =0
 Return the current volume off upward in the geometrical tree ID and copy number.
virtual const char * CurrentVolName () const =0
 Return the current volume name.
virtual const char * CurrentVolOffName (Int_t off) const =0
 Return the current volume off upward in the geometrical tree name and copy number' if name=0 no name is returned.
virtual const char * CurrentVolPath ()=0
 Return the path in geometry tree for the current volume.
virtual Bool_t CurrentBoundaryNormal (Double_t &x, Double_t &y, Double_t &z) const =0
 If track is on a geometry boundary, fill the normal vector of the crossing volume surface and return true, return false otherwise.
virtual Int_t CurrentMaterial (Float_t &a, Float_t &z, Float_t &dens, Float_t &radl, Float_t &absl) const =0
 Return the parameters of the current material during transport.
virtual Int_t CurrentMedium () const =0
virtual Int_t CurrentEvent () const =0
 Return the number of the current event.
virtual void Gmtod (Float_t *xm, Float_t *xd, Int_t iflag)=0
 Computes coordinates xd in daughter reference system from known coordinates xm in mother reference system.
virtual void Gmtod (Double_t *xm, Double_t *xd, Int_t iflag)=0
 The same as previous but in double precision.
virtual void Gdtom (Float_t *xd, Float_t *xm, Int_t iflag)=0
 Computes coordinates xm in mother reference system from known coordinates xd in daughter reference system.
virtual void Gdtom (Double_t *xd, Double_t *xm, Int_t iflag)=0
 The same as previous but in double precision.
virtual Double_t MaxStep () const =0
 Return the maximum step length in the current medium.
virtual Int_t GetMaxNStep () const =0
 Return the maximum number of steps allowed in the current medium.
virtual void TrackPosition (TLorentzVector &position) const =0
 Return the current position in the master reference frame of the track being transported.
virtual void TrackPosition (Double_t &x, Double_t &y, Double_t &z) const =0
 Only return spatial coordinates (as double)
virtual void TrackPosition (Float_t &x, Float_t &y, Float_t &z) const =0
 Only return spatial coordinates (as float)
virtual void TrackMomentum (TLorentzVector &momentum) const =0
 Return the direction and the momentum (GeV/c) of the track currently being transported.
virtual void TrackMomentum (Double_t &px, Double_t &py, Double_t &pz, Double_t &etot) const =0
 Return the direction and the momentum (GeV/c) of the track currently being transported (as double)
virtual void TrackMomentum (Float_t &px, Float_t &py, Float_t &pz, Float_t &etot) const =0
 Return the direction and the momentum (GeV/c) of the track currently being transported (as float)
virtual Double_t TrackStep () const =0
 Return the length in centimeters of the current step (in cm)
virtual Double_t TrackLength () const =0
 Return the length of the current track from its origin (in cm)
virtual Double_t TrackTime () const =0
 Return the current time of flight of the track being transported (in s)
virtual Double_t Edep () const =0
 Return the energy lost in the current step.
virtual Double_t NIELEdep () const =0
 Return the non-ionising energy lost (NIEL) in the current step.
virtual Int_t StepNumber () const =0
 Return the current step number.
virtual Double_t TrackWeight () const =0
 Get the current weight.
virtual void TrackPolarization (Double_t &polX, Double_t &polY, Double_t &polZ) const =0
 Get the current polarization.
virtual void TrackPolarization (TVector3 &pol) const =0
 Get the current polarization.
virtual Int_t TrackPid () const =0
 Return the PDG of the particle transported.
virtual Double_t TrackCharge () const =0
 Return the charge of the track currently transported.
virtual Double_t TrackMass () const =0
 Return the mass of the track currently transported.
virtual Double_t Etot () const =0
 Return the total energy of the current track.
virtual Bool_t IsNewTrack () const =0
 Return true when the track performs the first step.
virtual Bool_t IsTrackInside () const =0
 Return true if the track is not at the boundary of the current volume.
virtual Bool_t IsTrackEntering () const =0
 Return true if this is the first step of the track in the current volume.
virtual Bool_t IsTrackExiting () const =0
 Return true if this is the last step of the track in the current volume.
virtual Bool_t IsTrackOut () const =0
 Return true if the track is out of the setup.
virtual Bool_t IsTrackDisappeared () const =0
 Return true if the current particle has disappeared either because it decayed or because it underwent an inelastic collision.
virtual Bool_t IsTrackStop () const =0
 Return true if the track energy has fallen below the threshold.
virtual Bool_t IsTrackAlive () const =0
 Return true if the current particle is alive and will continue to be transported.
virtual Int_t NSecondaries () const =0
 Return the number of secondary particles generated in the current step.
virtual void GetSecondary (Int_t isec, Int_t &particleId, TLorentzVector &position, TLorentzVector &momentum)=0
 Return the parameters of the secondary track number isec produced in the current step.
virtual TMCProcess ProdProcess (Int_t isec) const =0
 Return the VMC code of the process that has produced the secondary particles in the current step.
virtual Int_t StepProcesses (TArrayI &proc) const =0
 Return the array of the VMC code of the processes active in the current step.
virtual Bool_t SecondariesAreOrdered () const =0
 Return the information about the transport order needed by the stack.
virtual void Init ()=0
 Initialize MC.
virtual void BuildPhysics ()=0
 Initialize MC physics.
virtual void ProcessEvent ()=0
 Process one event.
virtual void ProcessEvent (Int_t eventId)
 Process one event with given eventIs.
virtual Bool_t ProcessRun (Int_t nevent)=0
 Process one run and return true if run has finished successfully, return false in other cases (run aborted by user)
virtual void TerminateRun ()
 Additional cleanup after a run can be done here (optional)
virtual void InitLego ()=0
 Set switches for lego transport.
virtual void SetCollectTracks (Bool_t collectTracks)=0
 (In)Activate collecting TGeo tracks
virtual Bool_t IsCollectTracks () const =0
 Return the info if collecting tracks is activated.
virtual Bool_t IsMT () const
 Return the info if multi-threading is supported/activated.
virtual void SetStack (TVirtualMCStack *stack)
 Set the particle stack.
virtual void SetExternalDecayer (TVirtualMCDecayer *decayer)
 Set the external decayer.
virtual void SetRandom (TRandom *random)
 Set the random number generator.
virtual void SetMagField (TVirtualMagField *field)
 Set the magnetic field.
TVirtualMCStackGetStack () const
 Return the particle stack.
TMCManagerStackGetManagerStack () const
 Return the particle stack managed by the TMCManager (if any)
TVirtualMCDecayer * GetDecayer () const
 Return the external decayer.
TRandom * GetRandom () const
 Return the random number generator.
TVirtualMagField * GetMagField () const
 Return the magnetic field.
Int_t GetId () const
 Return the VMC's ID.

Static Public Member Functions

static TVirtualMCGetMC ()
 Static access method.

Protected Attributes

 User MC application.

Private Member Functions

void SetId (UInt_t id)
 Set the VMC id.
void SetManagerStack (TMCManagerStack *stack)
 Set container holding additional information for transported TParticles.
virtual void ProcessEvent (Int_t eventId, Bool_t isInterruptible)=0
 An interruptible event can be paused and resumed at any time.
virtual void InterruptTrack ()=0
 That triggers stopping the transport of the current track without dispatching to common routines like TVirtualMCApplication::PostTrack() etc.
 TVirtualMC (const TVirtualMC &mc)
TVirtualMCoperator= (const TVirtualMC &)

Private Attributes

Int_t fId
 Unique identification of this VMC.
 Particles stack.
 Stack handled by the TMCManager.
TVirtualMCDecayer * fDecayer
 External decayer.
TRandom * fRandom
 Random number generator.
TVirtualMagField * fMagField
 Magnetic field.

Static Private Attributes

static TMCThreadLocal TVirtualMCfgMC = nullptr
 Static TVirtualMC pointer.


class TMCManager

Detailed Description

Abstract Monte Carlo interface.

Virtual MC provides a virtual interface to Monte Carlo. It enables the user to build a virtual Monte Carlo application independent of any actual underlying Monte Carlo implementation itself.

A user will have to implement a class derived from the abstract Monte Carlo application class, and provide functions like ConstructGeometry(), BeginEvent(), FinishEvent(), ... . The concrete Monte Carlo (Geant3, Geant4) is selected at run time - when processing a ROOT macro where the concrete Monte Carlo is instantiated.

Definition at line 49 of file TVirtualMC.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TVirtualMC() [1/3]

TVirtualMC::TVirtualMC ( const char *  name,
const char *  title,
Bool_t  isRootGeometrySupported = kFALSE 

Standard constructor.

isRootGeometrySupported = True if implementation of TVirtualMC supports geometry defined with TGeo

Definition at line 62 of file TVirtualMC.cxx.

◆ TVirtualMC() [2/3]

TVirtualMC::TVirtualMC ( )

Default constructor.

Definition at line 84 of file TVirtualMC.cxx.

◆ ~TVirtualMC()

TVirtualMC::~TVirtualMC ( )


Definition at line 95 of file TVirtualMC.cxx.

◆ TVirtualMC() [3/3]

TVirtualMC::TVirtualMC ( const TVirtualMC mc)

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetMC()

TVirtualMC * TVirtualMC::GetMC ( )

Static access method.

Definition at line 109 of file TVirtualMC.cxx.

◆ IsRootGeometrySupported()

virtual Bool_t TVirtualMC::IsRootGeometrySupported ( ) const
pure virtual

Info about supporting geometry defined via Root.

◆ Material() [1/2]

virtual void TVirtualMC::Material ( Int_t &  kmat,
const char *  name,
Double_t  a,
Double_t  z,
Double_t  dens,
Double_t  radl,
Double_t  absl,
Float_t *  buf,
Int_t  nwbuf 
pure virtual

Define a material.

  • kmat number assigned to the material
  • name material name
  • a atomic mass in au
  • z atomic number
  • dens density in g/cm3
  • absl absorption length in cm; if >=0 it is ignored and the program calculates it, if <0. -absl is taken
  • radl radiation length in cm if >=0 it is ignored and the program calculates it, if <0. -radl is taken
  • buf pointer to an array of user words
  • nwbuf number of user words

◆ Material() [2/2]

virtual void TVirtualMC::Material ( Int_t &  kmat,
const char *  name,
Double_t  a,
Double_t  z,
Double_t  dens,
Double_t  radl,
Double_t  absl,
Double_t *  buf,
Int_t  nwbuf 
pure virtual

The same as previous but in double precision.

◆ Mixture() [1/2]

virtual void TVirtualMC::Mixture ( Int_t &  kmat,
const char *  name,
Float_t *  a,
Float_t *  z,
Double_t  dens,
Int_t  nlmat,
Float_t *  wmat 
pure virtual

Define a mixture or a compound with a number kmat composed by the basic nlmat materials defined by arrays a, z and wmat.

If nlmat > 0 then wmat contains the proportion by weights of each basic material in the mixture.

If nlmat < 0 then wmat contains the number of atoms of a given kind into the molecule of the compound. In this case, wmat in output is changed to relative weights.

◆ Mixture() [2/2]

virtual void TVirtualMC::Mixture ( Int_t &  kmat,
const char *  name,
Double_t *  a,
Double_t *  z,
Double_t  dens,
Int_t  nlmat,
Double_t *  wmat 
pure virtual

The same as previous but in double precision.

◆ Medium() [1/2]

virtual void TVirtualMC::Medium ( Int_t &  kmed,
const char *  name,
Int_t  nmat,
Int_t  isvol,
Int_t  ifield,
Double_t  fieldm,
Double_t  tmaxfd,
Double_t  stemax,
Double_t  deemax,
Double_t  epsil,
Double_t  stmin,
Float_t *  ubuf,
Int_t  nbuf 
pure virtual

Define a medium.

  • kmed tracking medium number assigned
  • name tracking medium name
  • nmat material number
  • isvol sensitive volume flag
  • ifield magnetic field:
    • ifield = 0 if no magnetic field;
    • ifield = -1 if user decision in guswim;
    • ifield = 1 if tracking performed with g3rkuta;
    • ifield = 2 if tracking performed with g3helix;
    • ifield = 3 if tracking performed with g3helx3.
  • fieldm max. field value (kilogauss)
  • tmaxfd max. angle due to field (deg/step)
  • stemax max. step allowed
  • deemax max. fraction of energy lost in a step
  • epsil tracking precision (cm)
  • stmin min. step due to continuous processes (cm)
  • ubuf pointer to an array of user words
  • nbuf number of user words

◆ Medium() [2/2]

virtual void TVirtualMC::Medium ( Int_t &  kmed,
const char *  name,
Int_t  nmat,
Int_t  isvol,
Int_t  ifield,
Double_t  fieldm,
Double_t  tmaxfd,
Double_t  stemax,
Double_t  deemax,
Double_t  epsil,
Double_t  stmin,
Double_t *  ubuf,
Int_t  nbuf 
pure virtual

The same as previous but in double precision.

◆ Matrix()

virtual void TVirtualMC::Matrix ( Int_t &  krot,
Double_t  thetaX,
Double_t  phiX,
Double_t  thetaY,
Double_t  phiY,
Double_t  thetaZ,
Double_t  phiZ 
pure virtual

Define a rotation matrix.

  • krot rotation matrix number assigned
  • thetaX polar angle for axis X
  • phiX azimuthal angle for axis X
  • thetaY polar angle for axis Y
  • phiY azimuthal angle for axis Y
  • thetaZ polar angle for axis Z
  • phiZ azimuthal angle for axis Z

◆ Gstpar()

virtual void TVirtualMC::Gstpar ( Int_t  itmed,
const char *  param,
Double_t  parval 
pure virtual

Change the value of cut or mechanism param to a new value parval for tracking medium itmed.

In Geant3, the data structure JTMED contains the standard tracking parameters (CUTS and flags to control the physics processes) which are used by default for all tracking media. It is possible to redefine individually with this function any of these parameters for a given tracking medium.

  • itmed tracking medium number
  • param is a character string (variable name)
  • parval must be given as a floating point.

◆ Gsvolu() [1/2]

virtual Int_t TVirtualMC::Gsvolu ( const char *  name,
const char *  shape,
Int_t  nmed,
Float_t *  upar,
Int_t  np 
pure virtual

Create a new volume.

  • name Volume name
  • shape Volume type
  • nmed Tracking medium number
  • np Number of shape parameters
  • upar Vector containing shape parameters

◆ Gsvolu() [2/2]

virtual Int_t TVirtualMC::Gsvolu ( const char *  name,
const char *  shape,
Int_t  nmed,
Double_t *  upar,
Int_t  np 
pure virtual

The same as previous but in double precision.

◆ Gsdvn()

virtual void TVirtualMC::Gsdvn ( const char *  name,
const char *  mother,
Int_t  ndiv,
Int_t  iaxis 
pure virtual

Create a new volume by dividing an existing one.

It divides a previously defined volume

  • name Volume name
  • mother Mother volume name
  • ndiv Number of divisions
  • iaxis Axis value: X,Y,Z of CAXIS will be translated to 1,2,3 for IAXIS.

◆ Gsdvn2()

virtual void TVirtualMC::Gsdvn2 ( const char *  name,
const char *  mother,
Int_t  ndiv,
Int_t  iaxis,
Double_t  c0i,
Int_t  numed 
pure virtual

Create a new volume by dividing an existing one.

Divide mother into ndiv divisions called name along axis iaxis starting at coordinate value c0i. The new volume created will be medium number numed.

◆ Gsdvt()

virtual void TVirtualMC::Gsdvt ( const char *  name,
const char *  mother,
Double_t  step,
Int_t  iaxis,
Int_t  numed,
Int_t  ndvmx 
pure virtual

Create a new volume by dividing an existing one Divide mother into divisions called name along axis iaxis in steps of step.

If not exactly divisible will make as many as possible and will center them with respect to the mother. Divisions will have medium number numed. If numed is 0, numed of mother is taken. ndvmx is the expected maximum number of divisions (If 0, no protection tests are performed in Geant3)

◆ Gsdvt2()

virtual void TVirtualMC::Gsdvt2 ( const char *  name,
const char *  mother,
Double_t  step,
Int_t  iaxis,
Double_t  c0,
Int_t  numed,
Int_t  ndvmx 
pure virtual

Create a new volume by dividing an existing one Divides mother into divisions called name along axis iaxis starting at coordinate value c0 with step size step.

The new volume created will have medium number numed. If numed is 0, numed of mother is taken. ndvmx is the expected maximum number of divisions (If 0, no protection tests are performed in Geant3)

◆ Gsord()

virtual void TVirtualMC::Gsord ( const char *  name,
Int_t  iax 
pure virtual

Flag volume name whose contents will have to be ordered along axis iax, by setting the search flag to -iax (Geant3 only)

◆ Gspos()

virtual void TVirtualMC::Gspos ( const char *  name,
Int_t  nr,
const char *  mother,
Double_t  x,
Double_t  y,
Double_t  z,
Int_t  irot,
const char *  konly = "ONLY" 
pure virtual

Position a volume into an existing one.

It positions a previously defined volume in the mother.

  • name Volume name
  • nr Copy number of the volume
  • mother Mother volume name
  • x X coord. of the volume in mother ref. sys.
  • y Y coord. of the volume in mother ref. sys.
  • z Z coord. of the volume in mother ref. sys.
  • irot Rotation matrix number w.r.t. mother ref. sys.
  • konly ONLY/MANY flag

◆ Gsposp() [1/2]

virtual void TVirtualMC::Gsposp ( const char *  name,
Int_t  nr,
const char *  mother,
Double_t  x,
Double_t  y,
Double_t  z,
Int_t  irot,
const char *  konly,
Float_t *  upar,
Int_t  np 
pure virtual

Place a copy of generic volume name with user number nr inside mother, with its parameters upar(1..np)

◆ Gsposp() [2/2]

virtual void TVirtualMC::Gsposp ( const char *  name,
Int_t  nr,
const char *  mother,
Double_t  x,
Double_t  y,
Double_t  z,
Int_t  irot,
const char *  konly,
Double_t *  upar,
Int_t  np 
pure virtual

The same as previous but in double precision.

◆ Gsbool()

virtual void TVirtualMC::Gsbool ( const char *  onlyVolName,
const char *  manyVolName 
pure virtual

Helper function for resolving MANY.

Specify the ONLY volume that overlaps with the specified MANY and has to be substracted. (Geant4 only)

◆ SetCerenkov() [1/2]

virtual void TVirtualMC::SetCerenkov ( Int_t  itmed,
Int_t  npckov,
Float_t *  ppckov,
Float_t *  absco,
Float_t *  effic,
Float_t *  rindex,
Bool_t  aspline = false,
Bool_t  rspline = false 
pure virtual

Define the tables for UV photon tracking in medium itmed.

Please note that it is the user's responsibility to provide all the coefficients:

  • itmed Tracking medium number
  • npckov Number of bins of each table
  • ppckov Value of photon momentum (in GeV)
  • absco Absorption coefficients
    • dielectric: absorption length in cm
    • metals : absorption fraction (0<=x<=1)
  • effic Detection efficiency for UV photons
  • rindex Refraction index (if=0 metal)
  • aspline Enable spline interpolation of the absco data (Geant4 only)
  • rspline Enable spline interpolation of the rindex data (Geant4 only)

◆ SetCerenkov() [2/2]

virtual void TVirtualMC::SetCerenkov ( Int_t  itmed,
Int_t  npckov,
Double_t *  ppckov,
Double_t *  absco,
Double_t *  effic,
Double_t *  rindex,
Bool_t  aspline = false,
Bool_t  rspline = false 
pure virtual

The same as previous but in double precision.

◆ DefineOpSurface()

virtual void TVirtualMC::DefineOpSurface ( const char *  name,
EMCOpSurfaceModel  model,
EMCOpSurfaceType  surfaceType,
EMCOpSurfaceFinish  surfaceFinish,
Double_t  sigmaAlpha 
pure virtual

Define the optical surface.

  • name surface name
  • model selection of model (see EMCOpSurfaceModel values)
  • surfaceType surface type (see EMCOpSurfaceType values)
  • surfaceFinish surface quality (see EMCOpSurfaceType values)
  • sigmaAlpha an unified model surface parameter (Geant4 only)

◆ SetBorderSurface()

virtual void TVirtualMC::SetBorderSurface ( const char *  name,
const char *  vol1Name,
int  vol1CopyNo,
const char *  vol2Name,
int  vol2CopyNo,
const char *  opSurfaceName 
pure virtual

Define the optical surface border.

  • name border surface name
  • vol1Name first volume name
  • vol1CopyNo first volume copy number
  • vol2Name second volume name
  • vol2CopyNo second volume copy number
  • opSurfaceName name of optical surface which this border belongs to (Geant4 only)

◆ SetSkinSurface()

virtual void TVirtualMC::SetSkinSurface ( const char *  name,
const char *  volName,
const char *  opSurfaceName 
pure virtual

Define the optical skin surface.

  • name skin surface name
  • volName volume name
  • opSurfaceName name of optical surface which this border belongs to (Geant4 only)

◆ SetMaterialProperty() [1/3]

virtual void TVirtualMC::SetMaterialProperty ( Int_t  itmed,
const char *  propertyName,
Int_t  np,
Double_t *  pp,
Double_t *  values,
Bool_t  createNewKey = false,
Bool_t  spline = false 
pure virtual

Define material property via a table of values.

  • itmed tracking medium id
  • propertyName property name
  • np number of bins of the table
  • pp value of photon momentum (in GeV)
  • values property values
  • createNewKey enable user defined property
  • spline enable spline interpolation of the data (Geant4 only)

◆ SetMaterialProperty() [2/3]

virtual void TVirtualMC::SetMaterialProperty ( Int_t  itmed,
const char *  propertyName,
Double_t  value 
pure virtual

Define material property via a value.

  • itmed tracking medium id
  • propertyName property name
  • value property value (Geant4 only)

◆ SetMaterialProperty() [3/3]

virtual void TVirtualMC::SetMaterialProperty ( const char *  surfaceName,
const char *  propertyName,
Int_t  np,
Double_t *  pp,
Double_t *  values,
Bool_t  createNewKey = false,
Bool_t  spline = false 
pure virtual

Define optical surface property via a table of values.

  • surfaceName optical surface name
  • propertyName property name
  • np number of bins of the table
  • pp value of photon momentum (in GeV)
  • values property values
  • createNewKey enable user defined property
  • spline enable spline interpolation of the data (Geant4 only)

◆ GetTransformation()

virtual Bool_t TVirtualMC::GetTransformation ( const TString &  volumePath,
TGeoHMatrix &  matrix 
pure virtual

Return the transformation matrix between the volume specified by the path volumePath and the top or master volume.

◆ GetShape()

virtual Bool_t TVirtualMC::GetShape ( const TString &  volumePath,
TString &  shapeType,
TArrayD &  par 
pure virtual

Return the name of the shape (shapeType) and its parameters par for the volume specified by the path volumePath .

◆ GetMaterial() [1/2]

virtual Bool_t TVirtualMC::GetMaterial ( Int_t  imat,
TString &  name,
Double_t &  a,
Double_t &  z,
Double_t &  density,
Double_t &  radl,
Double_t &  inter,
TArrayD &  par 
pure virtual

Return the material parameters for the material specified by the material Id.

◆ GetMaterial() [2/2]

virtual Bool_t TVirtualMC::GetMaterial ( const TString &  volumeName,
TString &  name,
Int_t &  imat,
Double_t &  a,
Double_t &  z,
Double_t &  density,
Double_t &  radl,
Double_t &  inter,
TArrayD &  par 
pure virtual

Return the material parameters for the volume specified by the volumeName.

◆ GetMedium()

virtual Bool_t TVirtualMC::GetMedium ( const TString &  volumeName,
TString &  name,
Int_t &  imed,
Int_t &  nmat,
Int_t &  isvol,
Int_t &  ifield,
Double_t &  fieldm,
Double_t &  tmaxfd,
Double_t &  stemax,
Double_t &  deemax,
Double_t &  epsil,
Double_t &  stmin,
TArrayD &  par 
pure virtual

Return the medium parameters for the volume specified by the volumeName.

◆ WriteEuclid()

virtual void TVirtualMC::WriteEuclid ( const char *  filnam,
const char *  topvol,
Int_t  number,
Int_t  nlevel 
pure virtual

Write out the geometry of the detector in EUCLID file format.

  • filnam file name - will be with the extension .euc *
  • topvol volume name of the starting node
  • number copy number of topvol (relevant for gsposp)
  • nlevel number of levels in the tree structure to be written out, starting from topvol (Geant3 only) Deprecated

◆ SetRootGeometry()

virtual void TVirtualMC::SetRootGeometry ( )
pure virtual

Set geometry from Root (built via TGeo)

◆ SetUserParameters()

virtual void TVirtualMC::SetUserParameters ( Bool_t  isUserParameters)
pure virtual

Activate the parameters defined in tracking media (DEEMAX, STMIN, STEMAX), which are, be default, ignored.

In Geant4 case, only STEMAX is taken into account. In FLUKA, all tracking media parameters are ignored.

◆ VolId()

virtual Int_t TVirtualMC::VolId ( const char *  volName) const
pure virtual

Return the unique numeric identifier for volume name volName.

◆ VolName()

virtual const char * TVirtualMC::VolName ( Int_t  id) const
pure virtual

Return the volume name for a given volume identifier id.

◆ MediumId()

virtual Int_t TVirtualMC::MediumId ( const char *  mediumName) const
pure virtual

Return the unique numeric identifier for medium name mediumName.

◆ NofVolumes()

virtual Int_t TVirtualMC::NofVolumes ( ) const
pure virtual

Return total number of volumes in the geometry.

◆ VolId2Mate()

virtual Int_t TVirtualMC::VolId2Mate ( Int_t  id) const
pure virtual

Return material number for a given volume id.

◆ NofVolDaughters()

virtual Int_t TVirtualMC::NofVolDaughters ( const char *  volName) const
pure virtual

Return number of daughters of the volume specified by volName.

◆ VolDaughterName()

virtual const char * TVirtualMC::VolDaughterName ( const char *  volName,
Int_t  i 
) const
pure virtual

Return the name of i-th daughter of the volume specified by volName.

◆ VolDaughterCopyNo()

virtual Int_t TVirtualMC::VolDaughterCopyNo ( const char *  volName,
Int_t  i 
) const
pure virtual

Return the copyNo of i-th daughter of the volume specified by volName.

◆ SetSensitiveDetector()

virtual void TVirtualMC::SetSensitiveDetector ( const TString &  volName,
TVirtualMCSensitiveDetector sd 
pure virtual

Set a sensitive detector to a volume.

  • volName - the volume name
  • sd - the user sensitive detector

◆ GetSensitiveDetector()

virtual TVirtualMCSensitiveDetector * TVirtualMC::GetSensitiveDetector ( const TString &  volName) const
pure virtual

Get a sensitive detector of a volume.

  • volName - the volume name

◆ SetExclusiveSDScoring()

virtual void TVirtualMC::SetExclusiveSDScoring ( Bool_t  exclusiveSDScoring)
pure virtual

The scoring option: if true, scoring is performed only via user defined sensitive detectors and MCApplication::Stepping is not called.

◆ SetCut()

virtual Bool_t TVirtualMC::SetCut ( const char *  cutName,
Double_t  cutValue 
pure virtual

Set transport cuts for particles.

◆ SetProcess()

virtual Bool_t TVirtualMC::SetProcess ( const char *  flagName,
Int_t  flagValue 
pure virtual

Set process control.

◆ DefineParticle() [1/2]

virtual Bool_t TVirtualMC::DefineParticle ( Int_t  pdg,
const char *  name,
TMCParticleType  mcType,
Double_t  mass,
Double_t  charge,
Double_t  lifetime 
pure virtual

Set a user defined particle Function is ignored if particle with specified pdg already exists and error report is printed.

  • pdg PDG encoding
  • name particle name
  • mcType VMC Particle type
  • mass mass [GeV]
  • charge charge [eplus]
  • lifetime time of life [s]
  • pType particle type as in Geant4
  • width width [GeV]
  • iSpin spin
  • iParity parity
  • iConjugation conjugation
  • iIsospin isospin
  • iIsospinZ isospin - #rd component
  • gParity gParity
  • lepton lepton number
  • baryon baryon number
  • stable stability
  • shortlived is shorlived?
  • subType particle subType as in Geant4
  • antiEncoding anti encoding
  • magMoment magnetic moment
  • excitation excitation energy [GeV]

◆ DefineParticle() [2/2]

virtual Bool_t TVirtualMC::DefineParticle ( Int_t  pdg,
const char *  name,
TMCParticleType  mcType,
Double_t  mass,
Double_t  charge,
Double_t  lifetime,
const TString &  pType,
Double_t  width,
Int_t  iSpin,
Int_t  iParity,
Int_t  iConjugation,
Int_t  iIsospin,
Int_t  iIsospinZ,
Int_t  gParity,
Int_t  lepton,
Int_t  baryon,
Bool_t  stable,
Bool_t  shortlived = kFALSE,
const TString &  subType = "",
Int_t  antiEncoding = 0,
Double_t  magMoment = 0.0,
Double_t  excitation = 0.0 
pure virtual

Set a user defined particle Function is ignored if particle with specified pdg already exists and error report is printed.

  • pdg PDG encoding
  • name particle name
  • mcType VMC Particle type
  • mass mass [GeV]
  • charge charge [eplus]
  • lifetime time of life [s]
  • pType particle type as in Geant4
  • width width [GeV]
  • iSpin spin
  • iParity parity
  • iConjugation conjugation
  • iIsospin isospin
  • iIsospinZ isospin - #rd component
  • gParity gParity
  • lepton lepton number
  • baryon baryon number
  • stable stability
  • shortlived is shorlived?
  • subType particle subType as in Geant4
  • antiEncoding anti encoding
  • magMoment magnetic moment
  • excitation excitation energy [GeV]

◆ DefineIon()

virtual Bool_t TVirtualMC::DefineIon ( const char *  name,
Int_t  Z,
Int_t  A,
Int_t  Q,
Double_t  excEnergy,
Double_t  mass = 0. 
pure virtual

Set a user defined ion.

  • name ion name
  • Z atomic number
  • A atomic mass
  • Q charge [eplus}
  • excitation excitation energy [GeV]
  • mass mass [GeV] (if not specified by user, approximative mass is calculated)

◆ SetDecayMode()

virtual Bool_t TVirtualMC::SetDecayMode ( Int_t  pdg,
Float_t  bratio[6],
Int_t  mode[6][3] 
pure virtual

Set a user phase space decay for a particle.

  • pdg particle PDG encoding
  • bratios the array with branching ratios (in %)
  • mode[6][3] the array with daughters particles PDG codes for each decay channel

◆ Xsec()

virtual Double_t TVirtualMC::Xsec ( char *  ,
Double_t  ,
Int_t  ,
pure virtual

Calculate X-sections (Geant3 only) Deprecated.

◆ IdFromPDG()

virtual Int_t TVirtualMC::IdFromPDG ( Int_t  pdg) const
pure virtual

Return MC specific code from a PDG and pseudo ENDF code (pdg)

◆ PDGFromId()

virtual Int_t TVirtualMC::PDGFromId ( Int_t  id) const
pure virtual

Return PDG code and pseudo ENDF code from MC specific code (id)

◆ ParticleName()

virtual TString TVirtualMC::ParticleName ( Int_t  pdg) const
pure virtual

Return name of the particle specified by pdg.

◆ ParticleMass()

virtual Double_t TVirtualMC::ParticleMass ( Int_t  pdg) const
pure virtual

Return mass of the particle specified by pdg.

◆ ParticleCharge()

virtual Double_t TVirtualMC::ParticleCharge ( Int_t  pdg) const
pure virtual

Return charge (in e units) of the particle specified by pdg.

◆ ParticleLifeTime()

virtual Double_t TVirtualMC::ParticleLifeTime ( Int_t  pdg) const
pure virtual

Return life time of the particle specified by pdg.

◆ ParticleMCType()

virtual TMCParticleType TVirtualMC::ParticleMCType ( Int_t  pdg) const
pure virtual

Return VMC type of the particle specified by pdg.

◆ StopTrack()

virtual void TVirtualMC::StopTrack ( )
pure virtual

Stop the transport of the current particle and skip to the next.

◆ StopEvent()

virtual void TVirtualMC::StopEvent ( )
pure virtual

Stop simulation of the current event and skip to the next.

◆ StopRun()

virtual void TVirtualMC::StopRun ( )
pure virtual

Stop simulation of the current event and set the abort run flag to true.

◆ SetMaxStep()

virtual void TVirtualMC::SetMaxStep ( Double_t  )
pure virtual

Set the maximum step allowed till the particle is in the current medium.

◆ SetMaxNStep()

virtual void TVirtualMC::SetMaxNStep ( Int_t  )
pure virtual

Set the maximum number of steps till the particle is in the current medium.

◆ SetUserDecay()

virtual void TVirtualMC::SetUserDecay ( Int_t  pdg)
pure virtual

Force the decays of particles to be done with Pythia and not with the Geant routines.

◆ ForceDecayTime()

virtual void TVirtualMC::ForceDecayTime ( Float_t  )
pure virtual

Force the decay time of the current particle.

◆ CurrentVolID()

virtual Int_t TVirtualMC::CurrentVolID ( Int_t &  copyNo) const
pure virtual

Return the current volume ID and copy number.

◆ CurrentVolOffID()

virtual Int_t TVirtualMC::CurrentVolOffID ( Int_t  off,
Int_t &  copyNo 
) const
pure virtual

Return the current volume off upward in the geometrical tree ID and copy number.

◆ CurrentVolName()

virtual const char * TVirtualMC::CurrentVolName ( ) const
pure virtual

Return the current volume name.

◆ CurrentVolOffName()

virtual const char * TVirtualMC::CurrentVolOffName ( Int_t  off) const
pure virtual

Return the current volume off upward in the geometrical tree name and copy number' if name=0 no name is returned.

◆ CurrentVolPath()

virtual const char * TVirtualMC::CurrentVolPath ( )
pure virtual

Return the path in geometry tree for the current volume.

◆ CurrentBoundaryNormal()

virtual Bool_t TVirtualMC::CurrentBoundaryNormal ( Double_t &  x,
Double_t &  y,
Double_t &  z 
) const
pure virtual

If track is on a geometry boundary, fill the normal vector of the crossing volume surface and return true, return false otherwise.

◆ CurrentMaterial()

virtual Int_t TVirtualMC::CurrentMaterial ( Float_t &  a,
Float_t &  z,
Float_t &  dens,
Float_t &  radl,
Float_t &  absl 
) const
pure virtual

Return the parameters of the current material during transport.

◆ CurrentMedium()

virtual Int_t TVirtualMC::CurrentMedium ( ) const
pure virtual

◆ CurrentEvent()

virtual Int_t TVirtualMC::CurrentEvent ( ) const
pure virtual

Return the number of the current event.

◆ Gmtod() [1/2]

virtual void TVirtualMC::Gmtod ( Float_t *  xm,
Float_t *  xd,
Int_t  iflag 
pure virtual

Computes coordinates xd in daughter reference system from known coordinates xm in mother reference system.

  • xm coordinates in mother reference system (input)
  • xd coordinates in daughter reference system (output)
  • iflag
    • IFLAG = 1 convert coordinates
    • IFLAG = 2 convert direction cosines

◆ Gmtod() [2/2]

virtual void TVirtualMC::Gmtod ( Double_t *  xm,
Double_t *  xd,
Int_t  iflag 
pure virtual

The same as previous but in double precision.

◆ Gdtom() [1/2]

virtual void TVirtualMC::Gdtom ( Float_t *  xd,
Float_t *  xm,
Int_t  iflag 
pure virtual

Computes coordinates xm in mother reference system from known coordinates xd in daughter reference system.

  • xd coordinates in daughter reference system (input)
  • xm coordinates in mother reference system (output)
  • iflag
    • IFLAG = 1 convert coordinates
    • IFLAG = 2 convert direction cosines

◆ Gdtom() [2/2]

virtual void TVirtualMC::Gdtom ( Double_t *  xd,
Double_t *  xm,
Int_t  iflag 
pure virtual

The same as previous but in double precision.

◆ MaxStep()

virtual Double_t TVirtualMC::MaxStep ( ) const
pure virtual

Return the maximum step length in the current medium.

◆ GetMaxNStep()

virtual Int_t TVirtualMC::GetMaxNStep ( ) const
pure virtual

Return the maximum number of steps allowed in the current medium.

◆ TrackPosition() [1/3]

virtual void TVirtualMC::TrackPosition ( TLorentzVector &  position) const
pure virtual

Return the current position in the master reference frame of the track being transported.

Referenced by TMCManager::TransferTrack().

◆ TrackPosition() [2/3]

virtual void TVirtualMC::TrackPosition ( Double_t &  x,
Double_t &  y,
Double_t &  z 
) const
pure virtual

Only return spatial coordinates (as double)

◆ TrackPosition() [3/3]

virtual void TVirtualMC::TrackPosition ( Float_t &  x,
Float_t &  y,
Float_t &  z 
) const
pure virtual

Only return spatial coordinates (as float)

◆ TrackMomentum() [1/3]

virtual void TVirtualMC::TrackMomentum ( TLorentzVector &  momentum) const
pure virtual

Return the direction and the momentum (GeV/c) of the track currently being transported.

Referenced by TMCManager::TransferTrack().

◆ TrackMomentum() [2/3]

virtual void TVirtualMC::TrackMomentum ( Double_t &  px,
Double_t &  py,
Double_t &  pz,
Double_t &  etot 
) const
pure virtual

Return the direction and the momentum (GeV/c) of the track currently being transported (as double)

◆ TrackMomentum() [3/3]

virtual void TVirtualMC::TrackMomentum ( Float_t &  px,
Float_t &  py,
Float_t &  pz,
Float_t &  etot 
) const
pure virtual

Return the direction and the momentum (GeV/c) of the track currently being transported (as float)

◆ TrackStep()

virtual Double_t TVirtualMC::TrackStep ( ) const
pure virtual

Return the length in centimeters of the current step (in cm)

◆ TrackLength()

virtual Double_t TVirtualMC::TrackLength ( ) const
pure virtual

Return the length of the current track from its origin (in cm)

Referenced by TMCManager::TransferTrack().

◆ TrackTime()

virtual Double_t TVirtualMC::TrackTime ( ) const
pure virtual

Return the current time of flight of the track being transported (in s)

◆ Edep()

virtual Double_t TVirtualMC::Edep ( ) const
pure virtual

Return the energy lost in the current step.

◆ NIELEdep()

virtual Double_t TVirtualMC::NIELEdep ( ) const
pure virtual

Return the non-ionising energy lost (NIEL) in the current step.

◆ StepNumber()

virtual Int_t TVirtualMC::StepNumber ( ) const
pure virtual

Return the current step number.

Referenced by TMCManager::TransferTrack().

◆ TrackWeight()

virtual Double_t TVirtualMC::TrackWeight ( ) const
pure virtual

Get the current weight.

Referenced by TMCManager::TransferTrack().

◆ TrackPolarization() [1/2]

virtual void TVirtualMC::TrackPolarization ( Double_t &  polX,
Double_t &  polY,
Double_t &  polZ 
) const
pure virtual

Get the current polarization.

Referenced by TMCManager::TransferTrack().

◆ TrackPolarization() [2/2]

virtual void TVirtualMC::TrackPolarization ( TVector3 &  pol) const
pure virtual

Get the current polarization.

◆ TrackPid()

virtual Int_t TVirtualMC::TrackPid ( ) const
pure virtual

Return the PDG of the particle transported.

◆ TrackCharge()

virtual Double_t TVirtualMC::TrackCharge ( ) const
pure virtual

Return the charge of the track currently transported.

◆ TrackMass()

virtual Double_t TVirtualMC::TrackMass ( ) const
pure virtual

Return the mass of the track currently transported.

◆ Etot()

virtual Double_t TVirtualMC::Etot ( ) const
pure virtual

Return the total energy of the current track.

◆ IsNewTrack()

virtual Bool_t TVirtualMC::IsNewTrack ( ) const
pure virtual

Return true when the track performs the first step.

◆ IsTrackInside()

virtual Bool_t TVirtualMC::IsTrackInside ( ) const
pure virtual

Return true if the track is not at the boundary of the current volume.

◆ IsTrackEntering()

virtual Bool_t TVirtualMC::IsTrackEntering ( ) const
pure virtual

Return true if this is the first step of the track in the current volume.

◆ IsTrackExiting()

virtual Bool_t TVirtualMC::IsTrackExiting ( ) const
pure virtual

Return true if this is the last step of the track in the current volume.

◆ IsTrackOut()

virtual Bool_t TVirtualMC::IsTrackOut ( ) const
pure virtual

Return true if the track is out of the setup.

◆ IsTrackDisappeared()

virtual Bool_t TVirtualMC::IsTrackDisappeared ( ) const
pure virtual

Return true if the current particle has disappeared either because it decayed or because it underwent an inelastic collision.

◆ IsTrackStop()

virtual Bool_t TVirtualMC::IsTrackStop ( ) const
pure virtual

Return true if the track energy has fallen below the threshold.

◆ IsTrackAlive()

virtual Bool_t TVirtualMC::IsTrackAlive ( ) const
pure virtual

Return true if the current particle is alive and will continue to be transported.

◆ NSecondaries()

virtual Int_t TVirtualMC::NSecondaries ( ) const
pure virtual

Return the number of secondary particles generated in the current step.

◆ GetSecondary()

virtual void TVirtualMC::GetSecondary ( Int_t  isec,
Int_t &  particleId,
TLorentzVector &  position,
TLorentzVector &  momentum 
pure virtual

Return the parameters of the secondary track number isec produced in the current step.

◆ ProdProcess()

virtual TMCProcess TVirtualMC::ProdProcess ( Int_t  isec) const
pure virtual

Return the VMC code of the process that has produced the secondary particles in the current step.

◆ StepProcesses()

virtual Int_t TVirtualMC::StepProcesses ( TArrayI &  proc) const
pure virtual

Return the array of the VMC code of the processes active in the current step.

◆ SecondariesAreOrdered()

virtual Bool_t TVirtualMC::SecondariesAreOrdered ( ) const
pure virtual

Return the information about the transport order needed by the stack.

◆ Init()

virtual void TVirtualMC::Init ( )
pure virtual

Initialize MC.

◆ BuildPhysics()

virtual void TVirtualMC::BuildPhysics ( )
pure virtual

Initialize MC physics.

◆ ProcessEvent() [1/3]

virtual void TVirtualMC::ProcessEvent ( )
pure virtual

Process one event.

Referenced by ProcessEvent(), and TMCManager::Run().

◆ ProcessEvent() [2/3]

void TVirtualMC::ProcessEvent ( Int_t  eventId)

Process one event with given eventIs.

Process one event with given eventId.

Definition at line 119 of file TVirtualMC.cxx.

◆ ProcessRun()

virtual Bool_t TVirtualMC::ProcessRun ( Int_t  nevent)
pure virtual

Process one run and return true if run has finished successfully, return false in other cases (run aborted by user)

◆ TerminateRun()

virtual void TVirtualMC::TerminateRun ( )

Additional cleanup after a run can be done here (optional)

Definition at line 827 of file TVirtualMC.h.

◆ InitLego()

virtual void TVirtualMC::InitLego ( )
pure virtual

Set switches for lego transport.

◆ SetCollectTracks()

virtual void TVirtualMC::SetCollectTracks ( Bool_t  collectTracks)
pure virtual

(In)Activate collecting TGeo tracks

◆ IsCollectTracks()

virtual Bool_t TVirtualMC::IsCollectTracks ( ) const
pure virtual

Return the info if collecting tracks is activated.

◆ IsMT()

virtual Bool_t TVirtualMC::IsMT ( ) const

Return the info if multi-threading is supported/activated.

Definition at line 839 of file TVirtualMC.h.

◆ SetStack()

void TVirtualMC::SetStack ( TVirtualMCStack stack)

Set the particle stack.

Set particles stack.

Definition at line 129 of file TVirtualMC.cxx.

Referenced by TMCManager::Register().

◆ SetExternalDecayer()

void TVirtualMC::SetExternalDecayer ( TVirtualMCDecayer *  decayer)

Set the external decayer.

Set external decayer.

Definition at line 139 of file TVirtualMC.cxx.

◆ SetRandom()

void TVirtualMC::SetRandom ( TRandom *  random)

Set the random number generator.

Set random number generator.

Definition at line 149 of file TVirtualMC.cxx.

◆ SetMagField()

void TVirtualMC::SetMagField ( TVirtualMagField *  field)

Set the magnetic field.

Set magnetic field.

Definition at line 160 of file TVirtualMC.cxx.

◆ GetStack()

TVirtualMCStack * TVirtualMC::GetStack ( ) const

Return the particle stack.

Definition at line 866 of file TVirtualMC.h.

◆ GetManagerStack()

TMCManagerStack * TVirtualMC::GetManagerStack ( ) const

Return the particle stack managed by the TMCManager (if any)

Definition at line 869 of file TVirtualMC.h.

◆ GetDecayer()

TVirtualMCDecayer * TVirtualMC::GetDecayer ( ) const

Return the external decayer.

Definition at line 872 of file TVirtualMC.h.

◆ GetRandom()

TRandom * TVirtualMC::GetRandom ( ) const

Return the random number generator.

Definition at line 875 of file TVirtualMC.h.

◆ GetMagField()

TVirtualMagField * TVirtualMC::GetMagField ( ) const

Return the magnetic field.

Definition at line 878 of file TVirtualMC.h.

◆ GetId()

Int_t TVirtualMC::GetId ( ) const

Return the VMC's ID.

Definition at line 881 of file TVirtualMC.h.

Referenced by TMCManager::ForwardTrack(), TMCManager::RestoreGeometryState(), and TMCManager::TransferTrack().

◆ SetId()

void TVirtualMC::SetId ( UInt_t  id)

Set the VMC id.

Definition at line 170 of file TVirtualMC.cxx.

Referenced by TMCManager::Register().

◆ SetManagerStack()

void TVirtualMC::SetManagerStack ( TMCManagerStack stack)

Set container holding additional information for transported TParticles.

Definition at line 179 of file TVirtualMC.cxx.

Referenced by TMCManager::Register().

◆ ProcessEvent() [3/3]

virtual void TVirtualMC::ProcessEvent ( Int_t  eventId,
Bool_t  isInterruptible 
privatepure virtual

An interruptible event can be paused and resumed at any time.

It must not call TVirtualMCApplication::BeginEvent() and ::FinishEvent() Further, when tracks are popped from the TVirtualMCStack it must be checked whether these are new tracks or whether they have been transported up to their current point.

◆ InterruptTrack()

virtual void TVirtualMC::InterruptTrack ( )
privatepure virtual

That triggers stopping the transport of the current track without dispatching to common routines like TVirtualMCApplication::PostTrack() etc.

Referenced by TMCManager::TransferTrack().

◆ operator=()

TVirtualMC & TVirtualMC::operator= ( const TVirtualMC )

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ TMCManager

friend class TMCManager

Definition at line 52 of file TVirtualMC.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ fApplication

TVirtualMCApplication* TVirtualMC::fApplication

User MC application.

Definition at line 906 of file TVirtualMC.h.

Referenced by TVirtualMC().

◆ fgMC

TMCThreadLocal TVirtualMC * TVirtualMC::fgMC = nullptr

Static TVirtualMC pointer.

Definition at line 910 of file TVirtualMC.h.

Referenced by GetMC(), TVirtualMC(), TMCManager::UpdateEnginePointers(), and ~TVirtualMC().

◆ fId

Int_t TVirtualMC::fId

Unique identification of this VMC.

Don't use TObject::SetUniqueId() since this is used to uniquely identify An ID is given by the running TVirtualMCApp and not by the user.

Definition at line 920 of file TVirtualMC.h.

Referenced by GetId(), and SetId().

◆ fStack

TVirtualMCStack* TVirtualMC::fStack

Particles stack.

Definition at line 922 of file TVirtualMC.h.

Referenced by GetStack(), and SetStack().

◆ fManagerStack

TMCManagerStack* TVirtualMC::fManagerStack

Stack handled by the TMCManager.

Definition at line 923 of file TVirtualMC.h.

Referenced by GetManagerStack(), and SetManagerStack().

◆ fDecayer

TVirtualMCDecayer* TVirtualMC::fDecayer

External decayer.

Definition at line 924 of file TVirtualMC.h.

Referenced by GetDecayer(), and SetExternalDecayer().

◆ fRandom

TRandom* TVirtualMC::fRandom

Random number generator.

Definition at line 925 of file TVirtualMC.h.

Referenced by GetRandom(), SetRandom(), and TVirtualMC().

◆ fMagField

TVirtualMagField* TVirtualMC::fMagField

Magnetic field.

Definition at line 926 of file TVirtualMC.h.

Referenced by GetMagField(), and SetMagField().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: