VGM Version 5.3.1
CAxis | VGM Axis enumeration |
CGeant4GM::ElementMap | The map between VGM and Geant4 elements |
CRootGM::ElementMap | The map between VGM and Root elements |
▼CVGM::IElement | The VGM interface to elements |
CGeant4GM::Element | VGM implementation for Geant4 element |
CRootGM::Element | VGM implementation for Root element using TGeoElement object |
CRootGM::ElementNonGeo | VGM implementation for Root element which is not represented via TGeoElement object in Root geometry |
▼CVGM::IFactory | The VGM interface to geometry factory providing functions for geometry construction and conversions |
▼CBaseVGM::VFactory | The abstract base class to geometry factory |
CGeant4GM::Factory | VGM factory for Geant4 |
CRootGM::Factory | VGM factory for Root |
▼CVGM::IIsotope | The VGM interface to elements |
CGeant4GM::Isotope | VGM implementation for Geant4 Isotope |
CRootGM::Isotope | VGM implementation for Root isotope |
▼CVGM::IMaterial | The VGM interface to materials |
CGeant4GM::Material | VGM implementation for Geant4 material |
CRootGM::Material | VGM implementation for Root material |
▼CVGM::IMaterialFactory | The VGM interface to material factory providing functions for material conversions |
▼CBaseVGM::VMaterialFactory | The abstract base class to material factory |
CGeant4GM::MaterialFactory | VGM material factory for Geant4 |
CRootGM::MaterialFactory | VGM material factory for Root |
▼CVGM::IMedium | The VGM interface to tracking medium |
▼CBaseVGM::VMedium | The ABC for tracking medium |
CGeant4GM::Medium | The VGM implementation of interface to tracking medium |
CRootGM::Medium | VGM implementation for Root medium |
▼CVGM::IPlacement | The VGM interface to positions of volumes |
▼CBaseVGM::VPlacement | The abstract base class to positions of volumes |
CGeant4GM::Placement | VGM implementation for Geant4 positions of volumes |
CRootGM::Placement | VGM implementation for Root positions of volumes |
▼CVGM::ISolid | The VGM interface to solids |
▼CVGM::IArb8 | The VGM interface to Arb8 solids |
►CBaseVGM::VArb8 | The ABC for Arb8 solids |
▼CVGM::IBooleanSolid | The VGM interface to Boolean solids |
►CBaseVGM::VBooleanSolid | The ABC for Boolean solids |
▼CVGM::IBox | The VGM interface to box solids |
►CBaseVGM::VBox | The ABC for box solids |
▼CVGM::ICons | The VGM interface to cons solids |
►CBaseVGM::VCons | The ABC for cons solids |
▼CVGM::ICtubs | The VGM interface to cut tubs solids |
►CBaseVGM::VCtubs | The ABC for cut tubs solids |
▼CVGM::IDisplacedSolid | The VGM interface to displaced solids |
►CBaseVGM::VDisplacedSolid | The ABC for displaced solids |
▼CVGM::IEllipsoid | The VGM interface to ellipsoid solids |
►CBaseVGM::VEllipsoid | The ABC for ellipsoid solids |
▼CVGM::IEllipticalTube | The VGM interface to elliptical tube solids |
►CBaseVGM::VEllipticalTube | The ABC for elliptical tube solids |
▼CVGM::IExtrudedSolid | The VGM interface to extruded solids |
►CBaseVGM::VExtrudedSolid | The ABC for xtru solids |
▼CVGM::IHype | The VGM interface to hyperboloid solids |
►CBaseVGM::VHype | The ABC for hyperboloid solids |
▼CVGM::IMultiUnion | The VGM interface to Boolean solids |
►CBaseVGM::VMultiUnion | The ABC for Boolean solids |
▼CVGM::IPara | The VGM interface to para solids |
►CBaseVGM::VPara | The ABC for para solids |
▼CVGM::IParaboloid | The VGM interface to paraboloid solids |
►CBaseVGM::VParaboloid | The ABC for paraboloid solids |
▼CVGM::IPolycone | The VGM interface to polycone solids |
►CBaseVGM::VPolycone | The ABC for polycone solids |
▼CVGM::IPolyhedra | The VGM interface to polyhedra solids |
►CBaseVGM::VPolyhedra | The ABC for polyhedra solids |
▼CVGM::IScaledSolid | The VGM interface to Boolean solids |
►CBaseVGM::VScaledSolid | The ABC for Scaled solids |
▼CVGM::ISphere | The VGM interface to sphere solids |
►CBaseVGM::VSphere | The ABC for sphere solids |
▼CVGM::ITessellatedSolid | The VGM interface to extruded solids |
►CBaseVGM::VTessellatedSolid | The ABC for tessellated solid |
▼CVGM::ITorus | The VGM interface to torus solids |
►CBaseVGM::VTorus | The ABC for torus solids |
▼CVGM::ITrap | The VGM interface to trap solids |
►CBaseVGM::VTrap | The ABC for trap solids |
▼CVGM::ITrd | The VGM interface to trd solids |
►CBaseVGM::VTrd | The ABC for trd solids |
▼CVGM::ITubs | The VGM interface to tubs solids |
►CBaseVGM::VTubs | The ABC for tubs solids |
CGeant4GM::IsotopeMap | The map between VGM and Geant4 isotopes |
CRootGM::IsotopeMap | The map between VGM and Root isotopes |
▼CVGM::IVolume | The VGM interface to volumes |
▼CBaseVGM::VVolume | The abstract base class for volumes |
CGeant4GM::Volume | VGM implementation for Geant4 volume |
CRootGM::Volume | VGM implementation for Root volume |
▼CXmlVGM::IWriter | The interface for the XML writer that writes VGM geometry objects to XML: |
CXmlVGM::AGDDWriter | The implementation of the interface for the XML writer that writes VGM geometry objects to XML defined by AGDD.dtd (ATLAS Generic Detector Description) |
CXmlVGM::GDMLWriter | The implementation of the interface for the XML writer that writes VGM geometry objects to XML defined by GDML scheme |
CXmlVGM::Maps | Utility class for mapping XML element values to their names within the XML exporter precision |
CGeant4GM::MaterialMap | The map between VGM and Geant4 material |
CRootGM::MaterialMap | The map between VGM and Root material |
CGeant4GM::PlacementMap | The map between VGM and Geant4 placements |
CRootGM::PlacementMap | The map between VGM and Root placements |
CGeant4GM::SolidMap | The map between VGM and Geant4 solids |
CRootGM::SolidMap | The map between VGM and Root solids |
CThreeVector | VGM typedef for 3D vector represented by vector<double> |
CTransform | VGM typedef for 3D transformation represented by std::vector<double>: |
CTwoVector | VGM typedef for 2D vector represented by std::pair<double, double>: |
CClhepVGM::Units | Conversion from CLHEP physical units to VGM units |
CRootGM::Units | Conversion from Root physical units to VGM units |
▼CXmlVGM::VExporter | Class for generation of geometry data files in XML, the XML format is independent from the geometry object model |
CXmlVGM::AGDDExporter | Class for generation of geometry data files in XML, in the AGDD XML format |
CXmlVGM::GDMLExporter | Class for generation of geometry data files in XML, in the GDML format |
CGeant4GM::VolumeMap | The map between VGM and Geant4 volumes |
CRootGM::VolumeMap | The map between VGM and Root volumes |