VGM Version 5.3.1
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CAxisVGM Axis enumeration
 CGeant4GM::ElementMapThe map between VGM and Geant4 elements
 CRootGM::ElementMapThe map between VGM and Root elements
 CVGM::IElementThe VGM interface to elements
 CGeant4GM::ElementVGM implementation for Geant4 element
 CRootGM::ElementVGM implementation for Root element using TGeoElement object
 CRootGM::ElementNonGeoVGM implementation for Root element which is not represented via TGeoElement object in Root geometry
 CVGM::IFactoryThe VGM interface to geometry factory providing functions for geometry construction and conversions
 CBaseVGM::VFactoryThe abstract base class to geometry factory
 CGeant4GM::FactoryVGM factory for Geant4
 CRootGM::FactoryVGM factory for Root
 CVGM::IIsotopeThe VGM interface to elements
 CGeant4GM::IsotopeVGM implementation for Geant4 Isotope
 CRootGM::IsotopeVGM implementation for Root isotope
 CVGM::IMaterialThe VGM interface to materials
 CGeant4GM::MaterialVGM implementation for Geant4 material
 CRootGM::MaterialVGM implementation for Root material
 CVGM::IMaterialFactoryThe VGM interface to material factory providing functions for material conversions
 CBaseVGM::VMaterialFactoryThe abstract base class to material factory
 CGeant4GM::MaterialFactoryVGM material factory for Geant4
 CRootGM::MaterialFactoryVGM material factory for Root
 CVGM::IMediumThe VGM interface to tracking medium
 CBaseVGM::VMediumThe ABC for tracking medium
 CGeant4GM::MediumThe VGM implementation of interface to tracking medium
 CRootGM::MediumVGM implementation for Root medium
 CVGM::IPlacementThe VGM interface to positions of volumes
 CBaseVGM::VPlacementThe abstract base class to positions of volumes
 CGeant4GM::PlacementVGM implementation for Geant4 positions of volumes
 CRootGM::PlacementVGM implementation for Root positions of volumes
 CVGM::ISolidThe VGM interface to solids
 CVGM::IArb8The VGM interface to Arb8 solids
 CBaseVGM::VArb8The ABC for Arb8 solids
 CVGM::IBooleanSolidThe VGM interface to Boolean solids
 CBaseVGM::VBooleanSolidThe ABC for Boolean solids
 CVGM::IBoxThe VGM interface to box solids
 CBaseVGM::VBoxThe ABC for box solids
 CVGM::IConsThe VGM interface to cons solids
 CBaseVGM::VConsThe ABC for cons solids
 CVGM::ICtubsThe VGM interface to cut tubs solids
 CBaseVGM::VCtubsThe ABC for cut tubs solids
 CVGM::IDisplacedSolidThe VGM interface to displaced solids
 CBaseVGM::VDisplacedSolidThe ABC for displaced solids
 CVGM::IEllipsoidThe VGM interface to ellipsoid solids
 CBaseVGM::VEllipsoidThe ABC for ellipsoid solids
 CVGM::IEllipticalTubeThe VGM interface to elliptical tube solids
 CBaseVGM::VEllipticalTubeThe ABC for elliptical tube solids
 CVGM::IExtrudedSolidThe VGM interface to extruded solids
 CBaseVGM::VExtrudedSolidThe ABC for xtru solids
 CVGM::IHypeThe VGM interface to hyperboloid solids
 CBaseVGM::VHypeThe ABC for hyperboloid solids
 CVGM::IMultiUnionThe VGM interface to Boolean solids
 CBaseVGM::VMultiUnionThe ABC for Boolean solids
 CVGM::IParaThe VGM interface to para solids
 CBaseVGM::VParaThe ABC for para solids
 CVGM::IParaboloidThe VGM interface to paraboloid solids
 CBaseVGM::VParaboloidThe ABC for paraboloid solids
 CVGM::IPolyconeThe VGM interface to polycone solids
 CBaseVGM::VPolyconeThe ABC for polycone solids
 CVGM::IPolyhedraThe VGM interface to polyhedra solids
 CBaseVGM::VPolyhedraThe ABC for polyhedra solids
 CVGM::IScaledSolidThe VGM interface to Boolean solids
 CBaseVGM::VScaledSolidThe ABC for Scaled solids
 CVGM::ISphereThe VGM interface to sphere solids
 CBaseVGM::VSphereThe ABC for sphere solids
 CVGM::ITessellatedSolidThe VGM interface to extruded solids
 CBaseVGM::VTessellatedSolidThe ABC for tessellated solid
 CVGM::ITorusThe VGM interface to torus solids
 CBaseVGM::VTorusThe ABC for torus solids
 CVGM::ITrapThe VGM interface to trap solids
 CBaseVGM::VTrapThe ABC for trap solids
 CVGM::ITrdThe VGM interface to trd solids
 CBaseVGM::VTrdThe ABC for trd solids
 CVGM::ITubsThe VGM interface to tubs solids
 CBaseVGM::VTubsThe ABC for tubs solids
 CGeant4GM::IsotopeMapThe map between VGM and Geant4 isotopes
 CRootGM::IsotopeMapThe map between VGM and Root isotopes
 CVGM::IVolumeThe VGM interface to volumes
 CBaseVGM::VVolumeThe abstract base class for volumes
 CGeant4GM::VolumeVGM implementation for Geant4 volume
 CRootGM::VolumeVGM implementation for Root volume
 CXmlVGM::IWriterThe interface for the XML writer that writes VGM geometry objects to XML:
 CXmlVGM::AGDDWriterThe implementation of the interface for the XML writer that writes VGM geometry objects to XML defined by AGDD.dtd (ATLAS Generic Detector Description)
 CXmlVGM::GDMLWriterThe implementation of the interface for the XML writer that writes VGM geometry objects to XML defined by GDML scheme
 CXmlVGM::MapsUtility class for mapping XML element values to their names within the XML exporter precision
 CGeant4GM::MaterialMapThe map between VGM and Geant4 material
 CRootGM::MaterialMapThe map between VGM and Root material
 CGeant4GM::PlacementMapThe map between VGM and Geant4 placements
 CRootGM::PlacementMapThe map between VGM and Root placements
 CGeant4GM::SolidMapThe map between VGM and Geant4 solids
 CRootGM::SolidMapThe map between VGM and Root solids
 CThreeVectorVGM typedef for 3D vector represented by vector<double>
 CTransformVGM typedef for 3D transformation represented by std::vector<double>:
 CTwoVectorVGM typedef for 2D vector represented by std::pair<double, double>:
 CClhepVGM::UnitsConversion from CLHEP physical units to VGM units
 CRootGM::UnitsConversion from Root physical units to VGM units
 CXmlVGM::VExporterClass for generation of geometry data files in XML, the XML format is independent from the geometry object model
 CXmlVGM::AGDDExporterClass for generation of geometry data files in XML, in the AGDD XML format
 CXmlVGM::GDMLExporterClass for generation of geometry data files in XML, in the GDML format
 CGeant4GM::VolumeMapThe map between VGM and Geant4 volumes
 CRootGM::VolumeMapThe map between VGM and Root volumes